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Showing posts from 2011

What is your New Year Resolution?

Mine is to read my Bible lots more. The bible tells us all we need to know about God and that is important because we belong to him and we have certain obligations to him which we need to know about. I've been talking to God since I was seven and now I am 64, so that's quite a time. There is nothing more wonderful than knowing God, but you have to come to him his way. We are all sinners and need the forgiveness God provides in Jesus. You can't reach God in your own strength, because he requires perfection. Now you know you can't provide that, but Jesus can. Come to Jesus and he will bring you to God.

What rules are you living by?

Have you got your own rules on how to live life, or do you try to follow God's rules? It is good to want to follow God's way, but you can only do it if you have Jesus in your life. God requires perfection but only Jesus can give that. You need to put your trust in Jesus if you are going to please God. God provided Jesus so that all those who believe in him and trust him can come back into fellowship with God. I would love to hear what you think of this. Tell me if you agree or disagree.

Will you take the risk?

If you have lost your partner in life, been bereaved, will you take the risk of finding another partner. Are the benefits of a new relationship attractive to you , or are you afraid to lose again? Life is full of such risks, but can you afford to miss out because you are afraid of loss coming again? It is a difficult decision to make and maybe you won't even get the chance. There is not a suitable partner just around the corner for everyone. You may have to settle for a life alone. This has its benefits. You are not likely to argue with yourself. Do you want a life of peace which sometimes feels lonely, or do you want to risk friction because you would like company? There, and you thought life would get easier as you grew older. Read below in My Poems of Loss about losing a partner and being alone. Poems of Loss


Christmas and New Year are times to spend with your family, but not everyone has family to share with. For them this can be an especially lonely time of the year. If you are lonely the best thing you can do is to find another lonely person and spend some time with them. Try putting them first. Maybe you live alone but are quite content with your situation, nevertheless find a lonely person and share some of your time with them. A good friendship may develope from this contact and you will both have gained by it. There are millions of lonely people in this world, so it should not be difficult to find one to help.

Having a good time?

Are you really having a good time, over Christmas and New Year? Is all that alcohol giving you satisfaction? You can't fool me, I can see your life is empty and it always will be until you find complete satisfaction in Jesus. Bring all your heartache to him, confess your sin and receive his forgiveness. He has promised to receive you if you come to him, he won't turn you away.All that emptiness will be filled by him in your life.

Already Christmas

It is not quite Christmas day in the U.K. as I write this, but for many of you the day has arrived. This day has no significance, but the baby we celebrate has? He is fully human and yet King of king and Lord of lords. Don't get carried away with all the trimmings, think about the one who came to take away and bring us back to God the Father. For further reading click the link below, Justification by Faith

Half Price

Do you ever wonder how the shops can afford to sell you something half price? It's just that their usual price is exorbitant. Selling is all about convincing you to buy things you don't really need. Take a good hard look at what you have recently bought. Of course you need food and a certain amount of clothes, but after that there is so much useless tatt that you will quickly grow tired of and off load it to the waste tip. What a pitiful way to live, being constantly conned by the producers of these things. Break free.

Will you have a good Christmas?

Your Christmas will only be a success if you meet the Christ who is at the centre of it. He came to die for anyone who will put their trust in him. This Christamas could be very special for you if you put Jesus at the centre of Christmas. Forget the booze and the food, this is a chance to start a new life, going God's way.

A Repetitive Life

Does your life seem to go around in circles? Work, eat, watch TV, sleep, work,eat etc.? This is what life is like if you don't have God in it. The book of Ecclesiastes talks about this aimless repetition and calls it "vanity of vanities." The author is King Solomon who was very rich and clever. He had tried everything but discovered that without God his life was meaningless. Do you feel like that about life? Have you discovered that nothing satisfies? Something comes along to create interest, but before long that too is dissatisfying. Find God in Jesus and your life will have all the meaning it should. We were created to worship God and this is the only way we can find true fulfillment.

Do you need a Wii to make your Christmas happy?

A Wii can give you some fun for a while, but for lasting happiness and a guaranteed future you need Jesus. He came on the first Christmas to be born a human baby, who was also fully God. He came because we humans were in deadly danger. Sin had messed up our lives and driven a wedge between us and God. Jesus came to live our life, perfectly and then he died so that we could be forgiven and be put right with God. Don't short change yourself with a temporary Christmas, this year. Go for the eternal worth of what he did, but your trust in him and be set for a wonderful eternity.

At the End

O world, o world, You languish so in pain. You wait until my Lord doth come again. For He will gather all to him And sort through all The joyous and the grim. His choices will be all perfect. His decisions all exact. All will be well then. All will be intact. Heaven filled with lowly sinners bought by grace, Hell filled with those who had no trace Of mercy, tenderness or love Toward the human race. Nor worse toward their God. His decisions all will be true. No one can with them argue. Once life is o’er His decision will be lore.

A broken and a contrite heart

Do you have a broken and a contrite heart? That's the sort of heart God values. If we are sorry for the wrong things we have done we will have a broken heart. That is putting us close to God. If we have this broken heart we will not feel fantastic but it is what pleases God. The happiness will come later. It is important to have a broken and contrite heart, and well worth the pain.

Who tells us most about hell, in the Bible?

It is Jesus who tells us most about hell. He tells us of being "thrown into outer darkness" and of "wailing and gnashing of teeth." He speaks of being sent to Gehenna, the rubbish dump, where dead criminals' bodies were thrown into fire that was kept burning. People try to pass this off as poetic license, but Jesus is usin these pictures to show somewhere that is awful and terrible. He threatens the religious leaders and the rich with this destiny if they do not repent. The tax collectors and prostitutes are more likely to turn to Jesus for forgiveness.It has been calculated that about 13% of Jesus' teaching was about hell. We must not dismiss it or put it to one side. Read more about Hell at this link. The Hottest topic:Hell

Heaven and hell

At the end of January I have been asked to speak to the Local Preachers' meeting about heaven and hell. These are not popular topics these days. I was the one who suggested we should look at these subjects. I will be speaking from a totally Bible-based standpoint as I believe that is the only one that matters. Conjecture can give us no solid base, only scripture can enlighten us. I am at present gaining much help from "Whatever happened to Hell" by John Blanchard. I have two more books lined up to read soon. Hardly a little light reading for the Christmas period. This is a very important topic. It is not possible to brush aside the reality of hell. One needs to think deeply about one's eternal destination. If you wish to avoid hell, put your truat in Jesus and his death on the cross. Ignore him at your peril.

If God is God

And I contend that he is, our leaders in Europe are very foolish in not turning to him for help in these difficult days of economic crisis. We all need to put God first in our lives. If we had done this to start with we would not be in this mess. It is time to repent and put God at the centre of our lives, both personally and as nations and a union.

Believing your Bible

I can understand people, who are not christian, ignoring the Bible, but on what do christians, who do not believe their Bible, through and through, base their beliefs. The Bible gives us a thorough understanding of who God is, how He behaves and what He expects of us. If you start picking and choosing which bits you want to believe, you will soon end up with a rather thin Bible. We are not expected to understand all we read. Sometimes it is good to leave a difficult passage to look at again another day, but we must trust our Bible. The Bible will feed us with good things and bring us closer to God.Is it not amazing that this book has survived all the centuries so that we can be helped by it today. How kind God is to us to give us this book.

What do you do with fear?

I am thinking of, little everyday fears like phoning someone to make arrangements when you fear they will make difficulties. Do you put it off and put it off, all the while the fear rising in your heart. Surely by now you have found out it is best to go ahead and get the job finished with and usually all is well and there was nothing to fear at all. You wasted all that time worrying for no reason. But some of you may have very big fears, perhaps you are persecuted for your faith. There is very real danger of death coming your way. If you are living for Jesus and maybe have to die for him the pain and suffering will soon we over and he will welcome you into his kingdom with open arms and say to you, "Well done, good and faithful servant." One day my turn may come, I hope I will be as brave as you.

My thoughts on the Theory of Evolution

You notice I call it the theory of evolution. That is because it has not been proved. Here is just a taste of what I find so difficult about the theory. For instance since the yucca plant and the yucca moth are entirely dependant on each other they could not have developed seperately or even together. There are many instances of this symbiosis where both participants could only survive at fully developed status. This points to a Creator God who designed all things. I also have a problem with the time scale of evolution and world population. I am not a mathematician, but if you take the population as it is now and extrapolate backwards you find that with the millions of years quoted by the evolutionist today's population would be far,far greater than it actually is and in fact impossibly large, too large for the world to accommodate. Our present population is what you would expect from one couple about 10,000 years ago. I am a very rare person these days, a christian wh...

Wonderful or terrible?

One day you will most certainly meet God. It will either be the most wonderful event of your life, or else the most terrible. What makes the difference? Jesus, is the answer. If you have trusted what Jesus has done on the cross in taking away your sin you are destined to delight in God for evermore. If you have continued to go your own way and do your own thing, despite God's laws and ignored Jesus, your end will not be a happy one. You can now put that right if you will trust in Jesus.

God is real

God is so mighty, holy and righteous and yet when we are his, he cares for us even in the little things of life. If I am in a hurry and have lost something, like my car keys I ask him where they are. This is not to make God my little servant, but because I trust him and know he knows all the answers. Is God real for you like that. If we can trust him in those little things it helps us to trust him for the big things in our life too. We need not worry about financial matters when we know God is in control. We need not worry about health matters because God holds us safely in his care. If our trust is in God we are safe for time and eternity. What else matters.

A Christmas poem

You lie on the prickly hay Protected by the strips of cloth Around you wound. That Mary has saved from old soft clothes. The cow nudges you, As she digs in For a mouthful of hay. And yes you do cry, Because you are a healthy, Human baby and they all cry. On your tiny breaths Hang the destiny of the world. Emmanuel,"God with us," In a dung-filled cave, Risking tetanus. Your only protectors A young woman, And a carpenter. God has entrusted His Son To these two humble folk, Who take you from the filthy stable To a house in Bethlehem, Once the census crowds have dispersed And made room for the King of kings To have humble, But cleaner shelter. A humble start for the Man-God Who always lived humbly And with utter determination Made His way over thirty- three years To the cross of His destiny for us. See more on this here The First Christmas

The Importance of Friends

When you have important beliefs that you want to hold onto, at all costs, spend time with like-minded friends. There are always people who will scoff at what you believe, so go and get strength from your friends. Read the Bible together and keep reminding each other about those important beliefs. Briefly they are, knowing that we are all sinners in need of salvation, people who have gone wrong and need to be put right. We can only be put right by believing in Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross. this is the best topic to discuss, while enjoying a meal together. We had gammon, cheese sauce, cauliflower and roast potatoes, followed by fruit crumble, then coffee. Who would you choose to share a meal with? What would be the topic of your conversation? What would the menu be?

Living a godly life

This is not an easy option. Other people will not understand your devotion to God.But it is worthwhile and the only thing that will count in the end. I want to encourage you to live your life in the light of knowing God. He is the only one worth pleasing. You will not be living to please yourself as so many do in these days. You will be daily reminding yourself of how glorious God is and that he is the only one worth living for. In 2 Peter chapter 3 we read about people who will scoff at us for our way of life and beliefs. Peter says in verse 11 "You ought to live godly and holy lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming." People who live as they please will reap a harvest of destruction. Those who please God will gain eternal life. This life comes from Jesus and accepting salvation in him. Without his help you cannot live a godly life. With him you can.

Is the world going to end?

Yes, definitely, but I can't tell you when. No one can. Jesus said only God knows when the world will end. So get on with your life, but put your trust in Jesus, because it may end today. You need to be ready whenever it is. you need to be ready to meet God and you can only safely do that if you are trusting in Jesus.

Who are you trusting?

Is your trust in the Chancellor of the Exchequer? Is yours in your union? Will they bring you through the financial mess we are in? I don't pretend to understand what the financial mess is all about, except that people have been allowed to borrow far more money, than they would ever be able to pay back. Greed is at the root of it. My trust is in God. He will never let me down. He is the one who will decide my fate for forever, when it arrives. He will decide your fate too, so stop thinking about money and turn your eyes to Jesus who died, so that all who believe in him will spend eternity with him. That's worth waiting for, even in a cold economic climate. If you are rejoicing in Jesus you will not notice what you have to put up with in this life. Get your priorities right.

Can you fall out with your friend and yet still stay friends?

Real friends are bound to have a disagreement now and again. You aren't carbon copies, so you cannot think the same all the time. The secret is to fall out and then agree to differ. You may need a little space before continuing in eash other's company, but soon the problem will blow over. If you cannot do this you doomed to go through friendship speedily and never progress beyond the honeymoon period of friendship. A good friendship is worth working at.For more advice see the link below. Making Friends and Keeping Them

Gary Speed

I was never aware of this young man until today. I am 64 and not interested in sport. However from today's reports I can see that he was a great guy to know. We are told he committed suicide, but all his friends were baffled by this, having seen no sign of mental disturbance in the previous day of his life. I wonder how police decide that there are no suspicious circumstances when a suicide or apparent suicide occurs. I think in this situation where there is no hint of depression, the police should take another look at the circumstances. There again, I don't suppose they read my blog. Condolences to all his friends and family.

Mars Probe

Is it not a disgrace to spend vast sums of money on sending probes to Mars when the U.S.A. itself has so many poverty stricken citizens, let alone the many worldwide. By all means put these problems right, and then do the fascinating exploring, but get your prioties right scientists and solve the problems of world poverty. The problem is not a difficult one to understand. There is enough food in the world for everyone, it just needs distributing fairly. Greed is the problem. Greed on a massive scale. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if there is actually enough money for world poverty and for the Mars probe. Something is not right and needs putting right. What do you think?

Doing too much

Sometimes you can try to please too many people at the same time, and it just doesn't work. Although we should help others, sometimes we need time and space for ourselves. It is good to give, but you need to realise your human frailty and give yourself a break. I have written a page about how to do this. It is given below. If you are a hard working Mom you simply must arrange to have some time to yourself. Your whole family depends on you, so you need to have recreation to keep your strength up. Have a Me Day

How do you cope with depression?

There are two main types of depression, reactive, which is a reaction to your circumstances and endogenous, which is a part of your makeup and not entirely affected by your circumstances. I get the second type. When I am depressed I like to sleep a lot, this is probably not a good thing as depression can lift if you do not have extra sleep. It is all very well knowing that , but acting upon it is another thing. Exercise is also beneficial. Some sorts of depression can be lifted by taking these measures, but some people need medication. You need to get to know your doctor and develope a relationship with him/her where you feel you can trust their judgement. Do look for help as there are lots of possibilities out there. It is not good to spend long stretches of time on your own. Talking with other people will often help lift your spirits, especially if they are people who have gone through this experience themselves. Maybe you need to join a self help group. Avoid people who tell...

People need people

I have had times in my life when I have been very depressed. At those times I want to keep to myself and sleep. However I have found it is very important to be with other people. When you are depressed you have a warped sense of the world, you need other people to bring you back to a more optimistic view. However much about life is not optimistic. There are all sorts of terrible things going on. Life without Jesus is genuinely depressing in the long term, although you may be living a life which seems full of fun to you. I have often wondered which is the right view of life, the one when I am depressed or the one when I am elated. It is good to seek for the truth.

Do you envy sportsmen and women?

Do you wish you could run like a gazelle? Play football or rugby? It takes a lot of hard work to be successful at sport. Paul used that effort of a sportsman to show how much effort we should put into knowing God. God is our ultimate goal. Knowing him is the most important think in all of life. Make sure you put in the effort to get to know him. Failure will be devastating.

How can a Granny be most helpful?

These days Grannies often do not live near their grandchildren. I am very fortunate, I live in the same village as mine. When the child is small the mother needs to be able to have a bit of help, in order to be able to carry out the ordinary tasks and to get a bit of rest and eventually to be able to enjoy an old hobby or two. This all gives granny the perfect chance to spend time with the grandchild. Your stamina will not last forever so you are unlikely to out-stay your welcome. This is a chance to be a valuable ally to your daughter, or daughter-in-law. A good granny may give advice, but encourage the new Mum to make her own decisions. The way we did it is not always the best way. Boost the Mum's confidence whenever you can.If the Mum goes back to work you may be able to mind the baby for her. This is a great privilege and means that your grand child will be brought up with the same family values as your daughter. Enjoy watching your grand child grow.

How can we help our persecuted brothers and sisters.

The most powerful thing we can do is to pray for them. We don't have many opportunies to help them in their poverty but we can pray. Prayer is not the last resort. Why is prayer so effective? It is because we have a powerful God and Father who loves his children and is ready to act on their behalf when we pray. He is not hard hearted and refusing to act until we pray, but he does like us to be actively involved in what he is doing.Leave a comment on this blog if you are praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters. If we all do that it may be an encouragement to them, should they have access to the internet. By commenting you can commit yourself to pray. At this time of year, when many of us are looking forward to being with our families, let's remember those in prison for their faith.

Are you persecuted?

Those of us in the West know very little about persecution. The worst we have to put up with is apathy, both from around us and also within ourselves. Apathy should not be under-estimated; it is a powerful enemy and we must fight it. In other parts of the world our brothers and sisters in Christ are severely persecuted. They receive abuse and physical ill-treatment. They are put to death. We in the West must break through our apathy and pray for our brothers and sisters. We are free to worship together, and free to tell others about Jesus. We must not forget the persecuted ones. Our turn may well come in the future. Who will pray for us? Brothers and sisters, I am praying for you, that you will have the great courage that you need. Remember soon we will be in glory with our Lord, all tears wiped away, all pain gone. God bless you.

Being an encourager

Yesterday I took a service in a town church and did my best to encourage them that what they do counts for something and to keep up the good work. When I arrived home I felt flat as a pancake myself. We all need encouraging. Friends are very good at helping us see things from the right perspective. We all need friends. is the link to my page telling you how to make and keep friends. The other link is a tribute to a friend of mine who is no longer alive. Making Friends And Keeping Them Lasting Friendship

Is your Church half empty?

Are you a lifelong church goer who has seen your congregation dwindle and age along with yourself? Are you discouraged and downhearted? Look up, God is still on his throne, he is still sovereign. He can yet use you for his glory.In Ephesians 1 verse 19 Paul speaks about "the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe." This is the power that raised Jesus from the dead. It is the power that saves us. Do not give up, your God is with you and will work through you if you tell him you are willing. Sometimes God is waiting for the right moment to act. We find waiting very difficult, but if you can wait it will be worth waiting for. You may think it is all very well for me to say these things, you may think I come from a large church. Well on a good day we might get six people in our congregation. If I can be upbeat about it, so can you. God was never interested in big numbers. He just wants faithful followers. Be faithful.


I do not always expect you to agree with what I say. I would be so pleased if you would enter into discussion with me about any topic that interests you. That way we could both learn a lot. For instance are you a mother or father of a young child and go out to work? You will have good reasons for doing so. It is easy for me being single and retired to say the things I say, but it may not be so easy for you. When my son was three months old I went out to work two days a week. He was looked after by his grandparents. How fortunate I was to have them living close by. They were the ideal child minders. I was also fortunate that my husband was always in work. We lived in rented accommodation with a very low rent as we looked after another property nearby and grounds. We were blessed indeed. Tell me how you cope with managing work and your children.

How important is education?

Of course education is very important. We want our children to get good jobs which they will find fulfilling and support a reasonable life style. Sometimes children's lives are made a misery by days packed end to end with learning. We should not make education a god before whom we sacrifice our children. Sometimes young people struggle to get to university only to find that they have been badly advised and there is no job at the end of all their hard work. I know of a girl who wanted to go into teaching but instead of going into a teaching post after her degree, she went on to do a master's degree. When she then came to look for a job in teaching no one would take her on because she was a novice but commanded a higher salary because of her master's degree. She had been badly advised.She had to look elsewhere for employment. A levels and degrees do not get you into heaven. We should teach our children to put God first in their lives. He then will guide them for the...

Do You Like To Win?

Are you the sort of person who likes to win at sport? Do you spend hours practising your sport? I've just been playing in a short mat bowling match, pairs and singles. I enjoy playing but am not devastated if I lose. Some people treat their sport as if their eternal detiny depended on it. I know my eternal destiny depends on Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross. Trusting in him I am secure. You could know this security too and it would put your sport activities into perspective. To see how to play short mat bowls see below. Short Mat Bowls

Are you a down-hearted Christian?

Have you been plodding along trying to honour God in your life, attending church, but nothing seems to change the world around? The church congregations are getting smaller and people generally seem not to care about God at all. Continue faithfully praising God. He is aware and cares that you care for him. Sometimes we have very dark paths to tread, but he is with us and at last we will meet him in glory. He calls you to be faithful, not to be successful. Where you can, tell others about Jesus and his power to save.Do good to your neighbour as if you were doing it for Jesus. Sometimes you need to reflect on the good you do for your neighbour. We read about it in Matthew 25 verse 31 - 46. See the link below. Good things do not get us into heaven, for that Jesus has died for us and we just need to believe, but the good deeds will be rewarded. Matthew 25

Doesn't your child deserve the best?

Does it really make sense to decide to have a baby and then farm him out to a child minder at great expense, when you could manage on one income and enjoy your child and bring him/her up with your values? Decide which one of you is to earn the living and let the other one be a full time parent. It is worth it even if you have to rent a house rather than buy one. When you are buying a house you only have the illusion that it belongs to you. Why not rent, then the state of the property is the landlord's responsibility? I am convinced that if you think through the situation you will find that the one at home can learn for you all to live frugally, in exchange for the immense pleasure of your child/children's company. You will benefit and so will society with one more dependable young citizen. Oh what about the career? You may not keep your expected promotion but you will be a happier person and you will have plenty of time for you later on.

Storms ahead

When life gets difficult it can be like being in a storm. If you have Jesus in the boat of your life it will make all the difference. Read below how Job, Paul and John Newton coped when they had the Lord of life with them to help through all the troubles. You too can ask him aboard. The storm will still be great but you will be safe in his keeping. Stormy Weather

Help or annoy?

I would love to know if my blog helps you or annoys you. I am just a simple British woman who lives in the heart of the countryside. I have lived 64 years and ,I think gained a little wisdom in that time. I want to help whomsoever I can to find God. I love God, but I wish I loved him more. I want you to love him also, partly because he deserves your love and also because I know if you love him you will be completely happy too. In today's world we live our lives around money and what things it can buy us, but it does not buy us happiness or peace. Peace with God comes through trusting in Jesus. Once we trust none of the threats of recession and economic meltdown can touch us. Our peace will be eternal. I pray for you my readers that you will find this peace that I have found.

Austerity may prove to be our greatest friend

When the money is short we economise by eating less. This could improve our health. We cut our heating and the germs are killed. We can't afford to go out, so we spend more time with our families, eating together at home. If the electricity is off all our gadgets are useless, so we engage in conversation instead. Most important of all we look toward God and find in him everything we need. Austerity may bring you the greatest blessing ever.

"God's in his heaven, all's right with the world."

Looking around the world do you think this statement is right. The world looks to be in a terrific mess, nothing right about it. War and turmoil everywhere, and various countries falling into economic chaos. I believe God is in his heaven and firmly in control. We have treated him badly by not honouring him as our Father and Creator. We have turned our backs on him and filled our lives with possessions which can never satisfy. We need to learn that our only satisfaction in life is to be found in God. Maybe God is taking away the poison fruit of success and riches so that we will see that our only true satisfaction is in him,"whom to know is life eternal." It is time to turn our backs on the things we own and turn to God in repentance. The God Who Does Not Change

The Lord's prayer

Do you say this prayer once a week in church? Do you say it every day? It was never meant to be used like that. It is a pattern from which we can make our own prayers. There is no virtue in repeating the same words over and over again. Jesus said that the pharisees thought they would be heard by God because they said long prayers and used "vain repetition." The Lord's prayer is a pattern of how to set about praying to God. Always we need to start with God, not ourselves and realise that he is our Father and is holy. Then we speak of what he wants our world to be like, his kingdom coming to earth and his will being done. We then pray for our practical needs, recognising that we are totally dependent on him. Next we acknowledge our sin and ask for forgiveness and agree to forgive our neighbour also. We ask for God's protection against temptation and the evil one. To end we again acknowledge how great God is and end there. Try setting the Lord's prayer out in...

Truthstream Oasis

Try this site to hear what the Bible really means. If you are interested in conspiracy theory you will find this site very interesting. Amos Ridley, the host is so enthusiastic about all he speaks about. He loves to search in the Bible for the truth. His latest podcast talks about misconceptions christians have about Satan.The general drift of these misconceptions makes so many wrong connections between Satan and Christ. If you want to get this sorted in your mind I advise to listen to the podcast. Truthstream Oasis

Will you be bored when you retire?

When you first retire you wonder what you will do with your time, but soon you find there are so many things to do. However retirement age is being pushed further and further into the future. Perhaps you won't have to worry about what to do with your retirement. Retired people in Britain do a lot of voluntary work supporting many charities. They are not just taking from society. The very old deserve to be treated well after all their years of work. Tell me about retirement age in your country. It would be good to share information. Some people do find retirement boring. They can easily vegitate and waste their final years. What a wasted opportunity to learn something new or give back to your community. In our village there is a charity that helps provide transport for hospital visits or other important engagements. The volunteers give their time driving their own cars and receive money for expenses. Other people provide a service keeping company with disabled of elderly w...

Do you work too hard?

It is good to work hard but you do need time out to relax and unwind. If you do this you will find you work better when you get back to work. People involved in church work are inclined to burn themselves out because they don't take time out to be refreshed. This is foolish and arrogant because you are not admitting to your humanity. It is only God who neither slumbers nor sleeps. We all need our sleep and relaxation. Are you working extra hours because Christmas is coming and you have a family you want to surprise with expensive presents? Having a healthy Mom or Dad who has time to spend with them is more important for a child than having the latest gadget. A gadget can't look after them if you have died of a heart attack working too hard in a stressful job. Look after yourself. See the link below for suggestions of how to relax. Have a Me Day

Will God Answer Your Prayer?

Prayer isn't about you demanding and God coughing up the goods. Prayer is about finding God's will for your life. God is great and glorious and has a plan for you. If you can quietly listen to him and bend your will to seek out his purpose and not your plan, you will find great peace, even if it is in the middle of disaster in your life. God is perfect and his plan for you is perfect, but it may not look as if it is from your present viewpoint. You have to learn to trust. Keep a diary of the people and circumstances you are praying about and then look back over your record and see how God has worked. As you note each answer you will become more confident that you can trust the Lord for everything. Don't forget to say thank you. See some prayers which I have written in the link below. A Prayer For Every Day

Should a christian use a dating agency?

Dating agencies can attract some really weird people. If you are a christian you are far better off trusting God to find you the right partner, or indeed to trust him to be right in giving you a single life. There are huge advantages in being single. All your time and energy can be spent in serving God where he wants you to be, without having to consider a partner's needs or demands. I have been married and now am single and loving it. For instance it is now 11.06p.m. if I was married my partner would probably be wanting me to settle down to sleep for the night, but instead I am able to write my blog and am not disturbing anyone. I've just had a troubled friend on the phone to me. A partner would be saying, "Your always on that phone, what does she want now?" But no, I am single and so disturbing no one and have been able to do God's work of helping my friend. It is all very well for me to be holier than thou about dating agencies. I am content to be sin...

Do you have to cope without Electricity?

I would like to know if you have to cope with little or no electricity. Perhaps you could tell us how you manage. This would be a great help to those of us who feel the time may soon come when civilization has at least partially broken down and we find our utilities are just not there any more. I am practising with just low heating in one room. I also have an electric blanket which means I do not need to heat my bedroom. Of course,if there was an electricity cut, that luxury would cease and I would have to use more blankets. I would love my readers to comment about what you do to keep warm. It is not very cold here in Britain at the moment. I would like to hear from my Russian readers how you cope. This could be so helpful to share ideas amongst us. Don't be shy, tell me what you do. See some of my suggestions below. Making Do With Little or No Electricity

Electricity and Water

Recently I spoke about managing without electricity. Those of us who have experienced this and groaned should remember that many people in the world have to walk miles to find water and this water is not always clean. Our own problems can often be put into perspective if we see what our neighbour is suffering. We should thank God for all He has given us and do something to help those in greater need. Just below I am putting a link to wateraid. This is your chance to help people gain clean water. Donate to Wateraid here

Open the Book

This is a movement in Britain which is spreading. Groups of people are presenting little playlets in Primary Schools all based on the stories of the Bible. I have been involved since May 2011. It is great fun , the children enjoy it and it fulfills curriculum requirements for British schools. Bible stories have been neglected far too long in our schools and it is great to be part of putting that right. I believe Bible stories can help anyone to understand their own life better. I have collected several Bible Stories on Squidoo, if you would like to find them click on the link below and then choose one or more to enjoy. See if they relate to your situation. Bible Characters

A Time To Be Refreshed at Lee Abbey

I've been away for the weekend at a lovely place called Lee Abbey. It's on the coast of North Devon, England looking out over the Bristol Channel. The weather was good and the scenery beautiful. There were about thirty of us from our Methodist group of churches, known as a circuit. There were also lots and lots of other people from many different places. The day to day running of the place such as cleaning and cooking is undertaken by people who live as a community together there. These include young people from all over the world. Perhaps you would like to be there. I give the link to their website below. This is a place where you have time to discuss your faith with others and think through your own issues about the christian life. It is always good to step back from your everyday life and reflect on what is really important. This life is not a lazy game. It is a time when we need to find God who is in fact finding us. Have you been wasting your time on the foolis...

Lovers of God

I guess some of you are indeed lovers of God. If that is the case I want to encourage you in these dark days. The world economic situation is serious, but our God reigns. We have nothing to fear while we keep our trust in him. Nothing is beyond his control. He has planned all things from the beginning and his concern is for his children. Keep these things in mind over the weekend as I may be away from a computer.Our God reigns.

The Eurozone is in chaos

Is that the sort of headline that is worrying you? That is natural it could have big repurcussions. But there is a bigger problem for you, where will you spend eternity? When all of today's problems are forgotten, in the past, still there is the question of your eternal destiny. Surely you realise this is much more important than today's big news. To be with God in heaven you need to follow after Jesus and ask him to save you. Only he can get you safely into heaven, only he is perfect and has satisfied all of God's demands. Read about heaven and hell in the links below. The Coolest Place Heaven The Hottest Topic,Hell

If You Are Trusting in God

Nothing can harm you, including death. No circumstance of life can take you away from God. When I worry about something I think it through to the worst possible conclusion, which usually means death. Then I believe death is just the last dark gateway to bring me to God himself. I am trusting Jesus to have dealt with the matter of my sin and now I am accepted in the beloved. God accepts me because Jesus died for me. If you can say that too, then meeting God is the greatest pleasure possible. All my talk of electricity cuts will not alarm you because the worst outcome of that is dying of the cold and there we are at that gateway to God Almighty. How wonderful to experience life fully in tune with God.

More on Electricity

For all you people worried about the future without electricity I have written a Squidoo lens on the topic, see the link below. It is very much a work in progress but I couldn't resist giving you some tipsl this is a serious topic. We live in a world where civilization seems to be breaking down all around us. We would be wise to see what alternatives we have. Just think how our forefathers survived, we can too. Indeed there may be some very important advantages for our social lives and community spirit. I hope you enjoy the lens below, just click on the link. Making do with Little or No Electricty

I see electricity interests you.

My visits have suddenly shot up the minute I mentioned electricity. I guess we are all frightened of the possibility of having to do without it. while it is possible that the whole system could break down, it is more likely that we would find ourselves with limited electricity. Then we would have to make good use of it while we had it available. Then would be the time to boil the kettle and fill up thermos flasks and hot water bottles. To prepare food and eat it hot. We should also stock up with torches with battaries to be used carefully in the dark. Are you worried about having to do these things. The resourceful among us would treat it as a challenge to be enjoyed rather than endured. Much more important is to worry about your status before God. Getting put right with him matters more than anything else. Read about it in the link below. Justification By Faith

How would I survive without electricity?

Yesterday's power cut made me think about this. My flat is entirely dependent upon electricity, so how would I cope without it? I could buy a gas stove for cooking and food would be very important because I would need it to give me warmth. The Bible says some interesting things, one is "two in a bed are warmer than one." I have a friend who has a little dog and she has a double bed, so perhaps we could get to know each other better and the dog could wazrm our feet. Lots of layers of clothes would also help. Friends who still had fireplaces in their homes would suddenly become very popular, both for heat and cooking. An emergency like this should be a time to be resourceful, a time to take on the challenge. Our forefathers managed somehow and so could we. We would relearn the art of conversation, face to face. In the long dark nights storytellers would be much needed to provide interest and encouragement. Would it really be so bad?


Today the electricity to my flat was cut. So what did I do? I went out with a disabled friend who needed escorting to the hospital. when I came back I had a cold pie out of the fridge and a drink of water. Then I went to my daughter's house. She had electricity so I had a cup of tea. Now the electricity is back and I am enjoying being linked to the internet again. If it happened more often maybe I would read more books. Now there's a thought perhaps I should keep an hour in the day for reading.

Do you have lots of gadgets?

I think I'm so up to date with my PC and laptop and digital camera and Sibelius software, but I don't suppose I have nearly as many gadgets as most of you. What with dongles and blackberries (I still eat mine) and kindles and ipads and mp3's I shall never catch up, I can see. But which of us is the happier, me with my few gadgets but knowing God loves me, or you with your many gadgets which can never satisfy your desperate need of God. Gadgets may amuse for a while but they can't get you to heaven. Isn't it time you stopped longing for a new gadget and looked to where you can find God. We all have a God shaped hole in us and only God can fill it. The God Who Does Not Change

A Loving Parent

God is a loving parent to us. He wants to keep us safe and away from trouble, but sometimes he takes us through trouble to make us strong to do his will. If you have a little child who runs towards danger you do not talk to him gently, you rush forward and grab him roughly to save him from disaster. The little child thinks its parent has been unkind to it and doesn't understand the danger it has been saved from. It is just like that with us and God. He is a loving parent who wants to rescue us. We go after poison fruit but he pulls us back. Tell me if you have had an experience like that.

Freedom not license

Often we long for freedom. We think it will be wonderful, but if we are thinking of doing as we please it can be a curse and not a blessing. I love writing poetry. When I came back to it after many years I wrote a lot of rhymeless poems thinking I needed freedom to express myself. However, I am rediscovering structure,starting first with writing sonnets. A framework is a handy thing which actually helps you express yourself. It is the same with knowing God, we need to get to know him through the structure that the Bible gives us. It is not a straight jacket which leaves us no room for movement. Instead the structure of all Jesus taught about the Father is a tender cloak about one's shoulders. You might like to read my sonnets, if so click the link below. Sonnets and how to Write Them

Not one service, but two

I was expecting to take one service today talking about the pharisees and what Jesus thought of them, but instead a fellow preacher was indisposed and I took her service in the afternoon. Previously in the morning I had been gently talking to God about the fact that I didn't have very many services coming up and maybe he could find me a few more. I didn't expect such a prompt answer to my prayer.Do you talk to God like that, just like talking to a friend? You can only do it if you have Jesus in your life. He is the one who makes you and God into friends because he has died to wash away your sin. It is truly wonderful to have God as your friend.

What is a phylactery?

It's a little black leather box which a pharisee would strap to his head. In fact orthodox Jews still do this. The box contains the laws of Judaism. The idea is that this would remind one of the law and the need to keep it. But jesus claimed the pharisees were wearing them, but not keeping the laws which spoke of helping the poor and sick. I am going to show some children tomorrow what a phylactery would look like. I have a small oxo cube box on a piece of ribbon. I had intended to paint the box black, but decided to leave it as an oxo box as the children are more likely to remember it that way. Jesus also said the pharisees were like a cup which was all cleaned up on the outside but dirty inside. I am taking along a very nice mug to show the children. But inside it is a mouldy strawberry, a mouldy tea bag and a piece of banana skin. Jesus said the pharisees were like that, all clean and smart on the outside but dirty inside. I think those will be two good illustrations. ...

Calling Africa and south America

So far my readers come from U.S.A, U.K. Europe, Latvia, Russia, India, Vietnam and Australia. Maybe I haven't mentioned you all but I am glad to have you all reading me. However there is no one from Africa of South America, so I would like that to be put right. I'm sure there are many people there who would like to read what I write. Perhaps some of my present readers know people from Africa and Souith America. Could you recommend this blog to them? I would be most grateful. I'm sure there are many people on those continents who would love to hear what I have to say about God and Jesus. I would also love to have contact with any of you by you making comments on my blog, particularly if you find what I say helpful, or if you want to discuss things.

I'm an LP!!

Yes I'm a Local Preacher. Does that make me in any way better than the people who sit it the pews or chairs? Not at all. I am just like them with the same need to get closer to God. It does mean that I have studied the Bible and Methodist beliefs a little more than the congregation, but I do not have a monopoly on belief and wisdom. Instead I see myself as preaching not only to the congregaqtion but also to myself. Uncovering what the Bible teaches and spreading it out for us to examine, to see where we should go next in our Christian journey. We all have a responsibility to read the Bible and learn from it. Being a Local Preacher is great because I am reminded to read my Bible more, in order to have things to say to my congregation. When you have been a Local Preacher for 40 years you get a certificate to say so. I'm not likely to get one of those as I am already 64. However if God blesses me with long life I shall receive one when I am 104. An aunt died recently , ...

Love God or have your own way

Do you love God with all your heart? Do you want to please him or please yourself? If you think about it carefully God's way forward for you is the best possible way, so wanting to do his will is the best possible thing for you. We love our friends and family but they often let us down. God will never let us down if we submit to him. Joseph submitted to being a slave in Egypt, then a prisoner, then the second most important person in the kindom. He saw all these events as God's plan for his life. Read about his life in the link below. Interesting Bible People: Joseph

A Broken Reed

Sometimes I speak rather sharply on this blog as if you were all letting life float by you with never a thought for God, but maybe you are a broken reed, stooping and troubled not knowing how to carry on with life. If this describes you, take heart. Jesus will not break a broken reed, instead he will mend it so that it stands upright once more. You cannot help yourself, but Jesus will help you if you hand yourself over to him. All the disasters in your life can be forgiven and forgotten if you rest in him. My life has had its disasters, but he has brought me through them all. I know he can do it for you because he has done it for me. Read about my life below. A Bit About Me

Jesus promises rest

If we stop struggling with this world's problems and turn to Jesus we will find he gives us rest. He promises an easy yoke. For those of you who don't know, a yoke is a wooden contraption which goes across the shoulders of two oxen, so that they can pull together and get the ploughing done. Jesus says he will join us to him with a yoke, one that is light and fits our shoulders and he will walk with us through life, getting the work done together. Why walk alone through life when you can have Jesus with you each step of the way?

Is your life a continual struggle?

As a young person in any part of the world your life may be a big struggle right now. In the third world your struggle may be to find enough food and drink. Do not despair, Jesus says that it is hard for the rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven. That means you have a distinct advantage over all the rich people in the world, it is easier for you to enter God's kingdom. Rejoice and look for Jesus, he is near you. So you rich young man in the States or Europe, you too have a struggle on your hands. It is not easy for you to find Jesus in your life because you are too busy chasing after more riches. Or you may have already dropped off the ladder to riches and find you cannot keep up. If you are getting poorer this could be a big blessing to you, it will be easier for you to find Jesus. Try reading my Inspirational Meditations, they might help you find God too. Inspirational Meditations

Aiming at a younger audience

Yesterday I realised maybe I should be aiming at a younger audience as relatively fewer people of my own age group read blogs. I am 64 and may be you would think I am "past it" but I am here to help you get closer to God. Whether we beleve it or not we belong to God. He deserves our love and worship. Maybe you have never given him a thought, but he deserves your full attention. You were made to worship God and it is only in so doing that you can be completely fulfilled. You may have a wonderful life with a wonderful family and a great career, but without loving God you will always feel incomplete. Here are two of my pages where I talk in depth about God and how to please him. The God Who Does Not Change Justification By Faith

Now it is official

Yes I am now an accredited Local Preacher with the Methodist Church in Britain. Although my circuit is Tiverton and Wellington in Devon and Somerset, England I hope you will allow me to have the world as my circuit and you as my readers a welcome part of my flock. My activities on the internet were acknowledged at my service as a vital part of my ministry and that encourages me to reach out to any who will listen. May be you don't go to church in a building, but perhaps here you read things that touch your heart and help you to understand your life a little more. I am always happy to receive comments here, including questions that trouble you. Generally speaking there will be more younger people reading this, if I can be of any help to you please ask me. Perhaps there is something about modern life which is worrying you, tell me about it and I will do my best to give an answer that is God honouring. It doesn't matter what I think as an individual, but I will try to give y...

The Time Has Come

Tomorrow I officially become a Local Preacher in the Methodist Church. I'm feeling a bit nervy, but that is good because it means I take it very seriously. A few weeks ago I thought I would like to wear a fascinator hat, as it is a celebration, but now the solemnity of the occasion has taken over and I will not be wearing the fascinator. We don't take things seriously enough these days, everything is frivolity, but life is a serious business. A preacher has a very serious job to do, helping to bring people to God through Jesus. You can read about my journey to becoming a local preacher in the link below. How to Become A Local Preacher

Are you a pharisee?

The pharisees in the Bible were a group of religious leaders who were very much concerned with keeping rules and keeping up appearances. Jesus said they were so concerned with this part of observance that they were neglecting to help the poor. When Jesus healed on the sabbath day they were there to criticise him. some pharisees were called "bump and stumble" because they kept their heads well down when walking in the streets so that people could see they were avoiding looking at women and of course they often bumped into things as a result. Others spoke in a whisper as this was considered humble. Do you run your life by meaningless rules and regulations? We are told to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbour as ourself. Loving God can usually be shown in loving others. Are we doing this as we should?

My Mum's birthday

If she had lived, my Mum would have been 99 today. She died in 2000, just making it into the 21st century. She was a very good wife and mother and if you wish you can read more about her in the link below. She and Dad were christians and brought us up to love God and trust in Jesus. All three of us are still believers. A mother is a very important person, so much depends on her how her children will turn out. If after they grow up, you rarely see your children that is not necessarily a bad thing, it may just mean that you have done such a good job, they are fully independent individuals. In the present financial climate children often live at home because they cannot afford a house of their own. This can put enormous strain on the parents who are reaching an age when they want a bit of quiet. Always in life we have to adjust to different circumstances. Life does not continue always on the same path. My Mum

What brings people to this blog?

Is it a snappy title, is it chance, or have you been here before and enjoyed what I have to say? The internet seems such a vast canvas, all those millions of people out there who might come by at a chance. I like to speak about God because he deserves all our praise. We come to him in Jesus and he accepts us in Jesus. If you are a christian and are feeling down-hearted, don't stay low, you have the God of the universe on your side. For your faithfulness he doesn't promise wealth or glory, but he does promise eternity with him. Nothing else matters. Today's and tomorrow's problems will fade away like mist in the future. Fear not, God has your best interest at heart.

Persecution of the sick in Britain

The British government, through the benefits system is persecuting thousands of people who are not fit to work, giving them very skimpy benefits. People who are not able to work for health reasons are not able to stand up for themselves. The goverment will answer to God when the suicides happen. People were treated in this way back in the Old Testament. Then exile was the result for the perpetrators. Something equally as bad will happen to those in power today. The churches should be aware that there are people in need and set up soup kitchens for these people.Many are in this position through no fault of their own. They should be helped not looked down upon.

What will I write?

Here is a blank page and I have no idea what to write tonight. Do you need someone to chastise you and drag you back from a wrong path? Or do you need encouraging? God does sometimes chastise us to put us back on the right path. If he is treating you like this today be encouraged, he is treating you are a beloved son/daughter whom he cares for. If we did not restrain our little children when they reached out for things that could harm them, we would be bad parents. God loves us so much that he too restains us when we go after things that are bad for us. He does it in love wanting only the best for us. Try to trust him in the dark times as well as the light.I hope this is a great blessing to you.

Do you like sonnets?

I do. I used to prefer to write in an unstructured way, but now I've discovered the delight of having a framework. Somehow it brings freedom with it. That's how it is when we hand over to God and decide to go his way. The truth will make you free. When we fit into God's framework for us we find fulness of joy. I've written 10 sonnets in the page linked below. I enjoyed writing them, I hope you will enjoy reading them. Sonnets and how to write them

What would you do if you won £100,000,000

Somebody in England has just done that. If it was me I would have to move as my flat is not for wealthy people. I would hate that, I love my flat. My life would be turned upside down. No doubt I could do some good helping worthy causes. I could buy some more clother, but I already have trouble getting my clothes to fit in my cupboards. It would be too easy to buy anything I want instead of saving up first, that would take all the fun out of spending.I would be so busy managing my millions I wouldn't have time to enjoy the things I enjoy now. Jesus said it is hard for the rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven, I don't want to risk growing away from my Lord. So if you are wishing it was you who had won all that money, think again, maybe it wouldn't be so wonderful.

Are you going through difficult times?

If you have Jesus you need nothing else. You may have lost your earthly best friend but still you have Jesus, the fairest among ten thousand. If you are poor and struggling to make things meet financially, you have a Father who owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He will provide for you. If your health is poor he is the balm in Gilead that will soothe your aches and pains. I used to suffer a lot from depression, at those dark times Jesus was the one who carried me through. I still have small patches of depression, enough to remind me that I need my Lord. Trouble can be a great blessing to us because it reminds us who is of most value in our lives. When everything is easy and going our way it can be a curse which takes us away from knowing our need of Jesus.

Can you twist God's arm with prayer?

Prayer is not like a slot machine where you put something in and get what you want. Prayer is not so much asking God to do something as getting yourself in line with his will. If we believe God's way is the best way, we need to find out what that way is and get alongside. God wishes the best for us but we have to find out what that best is. At first it may appear to be anything but the best. None of us wants to suffer, but suffering can make us better people. If we relate suffering to this life only we will see it as a bad thing. If we look to the longer view and think of eternity when all will be finally sorted, if we are trusting in Jesus all our sorrows will be washed away and no longer remembered. So do not be afraid to face suffering. By prayer become God's friend like Abraham, who followed God even thought he didn't know where he was going. Throw away your plan for your life. Give your life over to God and find yourself in the biggest adventure.

Do you long for riches?

It seems to me the more we have the more we want. If you own a car and have spare money in your pocket you are in the richest 6% of the world. Riches do not bring happiness or at least not lasting joy. We were meant to worship God and if we are not doing that we are unfulfilled. Jesus said it is very hard for a rich man to go into the kingdom of heaven. The more we possess the more we have to worry about. In Proverbs a wise man wrote,"Give me neither poverty nor riches - feed me with the food allotted to me; lest I be full and deny you and say,"Who is the Lord?" or lest I be poor and steal, and profane the name of my God." Rich people are among the loneliest in the world. How can they trust that a friend is really a friend, when they might be there for what they can get.Put your eyes on Jesus and hold onto your belongings lightly, you may not need them tomorrow.

Are you thinking about Christmas already ?

Is that because you are a busy Mom and you want to give your family a good time? Is there going to be trouble making ends meet this Christmas? I'm sure Jesus didn't come so that Moms and Dads would be working flat out to give theri kids the latest gadgets. He came to free us from the need for such things. Love and companionship in our families is so much more important than the latest toy. We are all here to find God in Jesus and that is the only thing that matters. It doesn't matter what our neighbours think of us. It matters what God sees in us. If you are a poorer person praise God that he has made it easier for you to find him. You have not been side-tracked by the world's lie that the more things you have the happier you will be. Things go wrong, things let you down and they also split up families. One day when I was with my family I walked around the house. Each of us had a T.V. in our room, we were sitting in separate rooms watching exactly the same pr...

Have you discovered you are not satisfied?

Do you have a good husband/wife,a good job that you enjoy, a family. Everything that should make you happy and yet you are not. Maybe you have a God-shaped hole in your life. Maybe you have not thought about him for years. A wise old chap called Augustine once said "Our Hearts are Restless Until They Rest in You," meaning God. That was a very long time ago but it is still true in the 21st century. We were made to worship God and if we don't we can find no satisfaction. So what do you do to find God? Well there are good churches which could help you, but there are also bad ones which could confuse you. First you need to spend time alone talking to God, telling him that you want to know him. He will guide you. If you are reading this, maybe this is part of that guidance. The Bible is the best place to find out about God, but it isn't always easy to read. Read about Jesus who is God, the Son. He is the one who makes us able to come to a pure and holy God.For m...

God or Mammon

What is most important to you? Is it a nice house, a car, lots of technical gadgets? Or is it knowing God? If you don't put God first in your life it will be because you don't have a right view of who he is. He is the ultimate source of all things. He is the one who demands our love. He is not like an earthly dictator who demands our love . They are fallible and fail us, he wants our love because he is perfection, he deserves our love. He knows that in loving him we will find ourselves fulfilled as in no other way. Mammon is an old fashioned word for money and things. It can never bring us fulfillment. Things may bring us short-term happiness but only loving God will bring us lasting joy. Read more about God in the link below. The God Who Does Not Change


The purpose of my preaching is that you might find Jesus to be your saviour and only way back to God. If you do not ask for his forgiveness you are on your way to a lost eternity without God. All of your life, whether you acknowledge it or not, you have been surrounded by the presence of God. All that is good in life comes from him. None of this will be yours if you refuse his forgiveness.No matter how we picture hell, it is the to be lost, without God. Indeed a terrible prospect. Someone pictured hell as being like row of people sat opposite each other with a wonderful meal before them, but chained in such a way that they could not bring the spoon to their own mouth. Heaven was the same but each person fed the one opposite them. So heaven was full of concern and compassion for each other, but hell full of selfishness and frustration. Are you headed for heaven or hell? The Hottest Topic: Hell The Coolest Place: Heaven


Jesus taught his disciples to forgive many times. Not just the seven times that Peter thought was very generous. Jesus said seventy times seven and that in one day. However forgivenes does not mean continually putting up with someone's bad behaviour. That is not even good for them. Jesus taught that we should go to a brother who has wronged us and talk it over. If he does not put things right, to go again with two witnesses. If this still did not bring the desired result the whole church should be called on to intercede, and if the wrong doer still did not repent he should be ignored. Forgiveness is there to bring reconciliation, not there for the toleration of wrong doing. But the example of forgiveness given is that of God in Christ forgiving us. We had treated him so badly and yet he gave himself in Christ for our salvation. Never mind your fellow believer, are you treating God as he should be treated with love trust and obedience? How often we all fall short of his love...

A Few Days Ago

A few days ago I told you sin is hereditary, however I don't want you to think that that "lets you off the hook." Although we have inherited sin we are still totally responsible for our wrong doing. Each one of us will have to appear before God and make account of our sin. Only those who have trusted in Jesus will be forgiven. Isn't it strange that when God has made a way back to him by trusting in Jesus and his death on the cross, so many are refusing to do this and instead are trying to get back to God in their own strength, their own way. Justification by Faith

Tempo for Tots

I have just been asked to help out with piano playing for a little group of Mums and toddlers who enjoy exploring music and movement together. Today I went along to watch what happened. First there was time for the children to enjoy the toy box, while the Mums chatted and had coffee if they liked. After about 20 minutes the music session began. First there was a song for putting away the toys. This was done very successfully, part of a natural routine. There was a music box to open and inside were toy animals. We all sang, "Old Macdonald had a farm" and joined in the noises for all the different animals. We had a song about the rainbow and the children were given different coloured sciffon scarves to wave around. Soon it was time for the goodbye song. It was a time for Mums and tots to socialize. I believe I will enjoy being involved in this myself. I get to look at the music and words on Monday and then I will jump in with both feet next Thursday. I have played f...

October's nearly here.

You might like to read the poems I wrote last October. The titles of some of the poems are:- Bare tree, Travelling, Success, The bucket list. Prepare to have your conscience nudged if you read that last one. I really enjoyed writing a poem each day last year. Discipline is a wonderful thing and after all the more practice we have at something the better we get. Is there something you enjoy but you are just not doing it ? Set yourself a challenge to do it often and see how you improve. Here is the link to my October poetry page. A Poem For Every Day In October

Did you know sin is hereditary ?

Just as you can inherit various illnesses from your parents so you not only can, but do inherit sin. Nobody likes to be called a sinner, but I'm afraid that is what we all are. Since Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil with have all, without fail, inherited sin. Sin is rebellion against God. Just to show I'm not getting at you, just wanting to help you, I know I am a sinner. I had a conversion experience at seven years old. I grew up in the church and was taught the right way to go. At 51 I went against God's law and left my husband for another man. In theory, before that I believed I was a sinner, after I knew it in a deeper way, but also experienced God's forgiveness even in the middle of disobeying. I believe he was teaching me a vital lesson that although I was a christian I was also still a sinner and I must not look down on anyone else. So why was God forgiving me ? From the age of seven I had put...

Tempted to live online all the time ?

It can be tempting to live life all the time on the net. You can't see the other person's body language and they can't see yours. You can read their posts in any sort of tone of voice you choose and react accordingly. Best of all you can cut them out of your life at a moment's notice. It's hard work to have a real life relationship with real live people. Sometimes you hurt one another, but what you learn in those circumstances is invaluable. Life isn't meant to be easy. We are not here just to enjoy ourselves, we are here to learn from our mistakes. We are here to grow and learn to love God and man. It is possible to have meaningful contact on line and often the people involved eventually want to meet one another for real.Click below to see my advice on how to make friends. Making Friends and Keeping Them

Would you like to know more about me?

I am 64 and live in Devon, England. I have just passed a course to become a Local Preacher with the Methodist Church. I won't be completely accredited until a service on October 23rd this year. You can read all about how to become a preacher in the first link below and in the next what it was like for me to have Christmas as a child . Perhaps you wonder about all the things I say here on my blog. Reading about my life may help you to see where I am coming from. I really enjoy writing my blog each day and hope it is useful to you folks out there in U.S.A., Russia. Germany , Latvia, Australia and many more places. I would love you to comment and let me know how much you love or hate my blog. Come on let's get to know each other. How to become a Preacher My Christmas Story

How do you help someone ?

Helping another person seems like a good thing to do, but some helping does more harm than good. If you are forever doing something for a friend and never letting them get to grips with it themselves you are making them dependent on you. That might give you a pleasant feeling, but it is really not helping at all.These folk who ask for our help may enjoy being a victim and some of us are wired up to play the game. If your friend/husband/daughter,asks for your help and you think they are perfectly capable of coping with the task in question, encourage them to do it themselves. Why should you be burdened down with the world's problems. Sometimes the victim is playing a game. They ask for your help in a helpless kind of way and then turn on you, becoming the perecutor and making you the victim. Over the years I have learnt to break out of this triangle and say "no" when my help is not really needed. I had twenty years sortiing out how to say "no" to an aged...

What is the best way to teach people to be less selfish ?

Make them into parents. The first time parent must be completely knocked sideways when they are first left alone with their little bundle of joy. Poor little thing is often a bundle of misery. He must be bewildered to find he is out of the cosy womb and left in the hands of novices. The parents meanwhile have to forgo regular sleep and keep their thoughts trained on the needs of the infant. Hobbies have to be forgotten and money spent on the child, not the latest luxury. It's great to have a child, but wow, what a steep learning curve.

Is Your Life Cluttered up ?

There once was a man who liked to hoard everything, even junk mail. He intended at some time in the future to read it all, even though all the information would be out of date. He also hoarded things which may have been useful, like a pram. All these things were put in the attic. Many years later some squirrels found their way under the roof and made a home for themselves among these assorted items. If any of the things had been worth having before this they certainly were not after. Physical junk is a bad enough problem but spiritual junk is much worse. We need to read our Bibles to find what are the good things worth keeping in our lives and which need turfing out. Once you may have believed something which was not right, but you cling onto it beccause you are used to it. We need to throw out that well worn belief and let Jesus in. For advice on how to deal with physical clutter click the link below. For advice on belief click the second link. How To De-clutter Your House...

Do you like Beethoven ?

I have liked Beethoven for most of my life. I like to listen, especially in a live concert. I have the audacity to try playing his piano sonatas. I've even tried to play his violin concerto, not a pleasant experience for anyone listening. I had a friend who would say,"If it's worth playing well, it's worth playing badly." Do you enjoy the experience of trying to play well, or do you leave it to the experts ? In Jesus's time there were "experts" who would listen to him and criticise what he did. But it was the ordinary people who "heard him gladly" and realized that here was the maestro or "messiah." He not only sang the song of heaven but did it with consummate skill. If you want to hear him speak to you read one of the gospels in your Bible, John's gospel in particular. If you love him you will hear the love song of his love for you. Beethoven

Why Doesn't Anyone Comment On My Posts ?

It would de so nice for this blog to be two-way. I would love your opinions even if you don't agree with me. My biggest group of readers is from U.S.A. then comes U.K. where I live. After that there is a sprinkling of Europeans, Russians, India, Singapore, Peru and Australia. How amazing to have an audience like that. The nearest I came to this as a child was to have a penpal in Sweden. We never imagined we would be able to reach out across the world. Now I am almost a missionary, without having to leave my living room. Do you think this is amazing ? Would you like to tell me so ? I would love to hear from you.

Original Sin

Babies are beautiful and grandchildren babies especially so. But you don't have to have a baby for long before you find he is planning to have things all his own. Of course he has to cry to let us know he needs something and we must respond accordingly. Also he does know what he wants until we give him the framework. However the order and good running of a family is going to go out the window if we let junior have things all his own way. Half the time the baby doesn't know what he wants and we have to give him a safe routine that he can rely on. Demand feeding can be a good thing but if the mother doesn't understand that the baby is not always asking for food everybody's peace will be shattered. It is similar but not so important with training a puppy as I'm sure you dog owners will agree. There is a great difference between a puppy and a human baby. If you train a puppy well it will usually be a most obedient dog. Humans always have a tendency to go astray ...

Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers

God always answers our prayers, it just might not seem like it. Sometimes he says,"yes" and sometimes "no". But more oftern he says"wait." I recently had a prayer answered that I prayed about thirty years ago. A woman in a neighbouring village was going through a difficullt time and I asked the Lord if I could help her by being her friend. I didn't even know what she looked like then, but three years ago I was in a meeting, having met this woman once or twice and not even knowing she was the woman I had prayed for. She was in s distressed state having lost her husband 18 months previously. I felt the Lord was telling me to give her a hug. I did and this was the beginning of our friendship. Why did God take so long to answer my prayer? Perhaps this time was the best time for our friendship to begin, I think so. When God answers our ptayers he is not trapped in time as we are. He answers our prayers at once, it is just that we have to catch ...

Do you have a friend ?

Last night I wrote about friends coming around for the evening. Tonight I had another friend come. She stayed nearly two hours. We talked about our families and about our problems. But perhaps it isn't like that for you. Do you have a friend or friends ? so many people live alone these days, for one reason or another. Some are so used to their own company that they've forgotten what it is like to have a friend. If you click on the link below you will be taken to a page where I make suggestions as to how you can find a friend. Do you know who the best friend of all is? It is Jesus. I know that because he has been my friend for most of my life, well all of my life really, but I didn't know it at the beginning. My other link below will take you to a page which tells about Jesus becoming our friend. Making Friends And Keeping Them Justification By Faith

Who do you talk to each day?

In this day of Facebook and chatrooms are we missing out on really talking to each other? I've just had four friends in my flat for almost three hours, for a chat. Three of them moved in recently. It was a pleasure to be together. During that time we had tea and coffee and homemade sponge cake. We didn't need the T.V. or the computer. Is there someone you should be talking to? How about talking to God. He is waiting for you to thank him, or ask him for help. If you don't know where to start go to the page link below. It's not difficult and don't forget to listen as well. A Prayer For EVery Day

Why do you get in the boat?

As a young teenager on a trip to the seaside, I remember worrying about whether or not I would want to take "a trip round the bay" in a small boat. I was worried I would be sick or even fall in the sea. Then the minister said he was going around the bay, but his wife said. "You won't catch me getting in a boat." That made me realize it was not obligatory, I could just say,"No thank you," and my torment would be over. If you are adventurous by all means step into the many boats that life offers, but if you like a calm life, just say "No, thank you." How many of us are doing things because other people enjoy them, when really we would rather not do them? Are you on a treadmill of continuous "pleasure" when really you would rather take life at a calmer pace? Are you working yourself to your absolute limit in order to take three foreign holidays a year, because all your friends do? I don't suppose you have even realized this ...

Why be a preacher?

Tonight I went to the Local Preacher's meeting and after being quizzed on my spiritual journey, discussing Wesley's sermon and giving a presentation, I was voted in as a Local Preacher. Tomorrow, hopefully, the Circuit Meeting will also vote in my favour.In a month's time I will have a Celebration service and then I will be fully accredited. So why am I doing this, at the age of 64, when I could be sleeping in on Sunday mornings? I believe God has called me to do this. He has equipped me with a knowledge of the Bible, which is the only real way we have of knowing God. He has given me an enthusiam to bring knowledge of his love and forgiveness to those who will listen to what is preached.If you want to read more about my struggles to get this far click the link below. How to become a Local Preacher in the Methodist Church in Britain

Have you heard the music of Arvo Part?

Arvo Part is a modern day composer of serious music. He was born in Estonia. He writes mainly church music which is very beautiful. Pieces are often a cappello, that is voices only with no instrumental accompaniment. He is a deeply religious man and his music is awash with worship and holiness. i have written a page about him which is at the link below. On this page you will find you can listen to his music and listen to interviews and masterclasses of his. This is a chance to immediately discover if this is music you would like to explore further. I recently used it at a Women's retreat that I was leading. We had been chatting away and then used this music to quieten our spirits before a time of silence and prayer. The Music of Arvo Part

Do you look down your nose at other people?

On Squidoo I have written two pages about people we are inclined to look down on. One is the drunk and one the prostitute. Do you look down on these people? In both cases I begin with a poem of my own, then I explain why I wrote it. The drunk usually becomes a drunk because of tremendous pressure in his or her life. Perhaps pressure that we, who do not have a drink problem, have never experienced. It's one of those "walk a mile in my shoes " situations. In the case of the prostitute she may have been led into the life with promises of a glamourous life. Often these girls are taken into a life of drug taking and then have to remain in it to pay for their habit. Jesus said many prostitutes would go into heaven ahead of the religious leaders. Which should look at our prejudices and come up with kinder attitudes to those suffering around us.Take a look at my pages below. The Drunk The Fallen Woman, a Poem

Do you like reading the Bible?

I love my Bible, it is full of wonderful characters some good, some bad, some a mixture. I have written several stories of Bible characters. I call the series Interesting Bible People.To find the series, all neatly listed, you can go to the link below and then find your way to your favourite character. Here are some of the ones included:- Daniel, Paul, Esther,Rhoda,Naaman,Rahab etc. These people all lived in dangerous times, as indeed do we. People have not changed down the centuries, still there is love of God, love of each other, or on the bad side, jealousy and greed.You can read about it in my various pages. Even if you are an atheist you can learn from the ancient wisdom of the Bible. Bible Characters

Sleep apnea

A couple of years ago I thought I had sleep apnea. What is that? It's associated with snoring, which I do. Some people who snore badly block their airways for a few seconds before breatheing again. Through the night this leads to oxygen deprivation and this disturbs the person's sleep. This is very serious as it can lead to drowsiness in the day time, which is life threatening if you are driving or using machinery. Obviously this needs to be dealt with. However the minute a consultant suspects you have it, whether you actually do or not, you have your driving license taken away. This is a great inconvenience if you do not have the complaint, but very necessary if you do. Once you receive treatment you are able to drive again. If you suspect you may have this problem you can buy an oximeter which fits on your finger and monitors your oxygen levels through the night. This proves one way or the other whether you have sleep apnea(or apnoea, if you are British). If you wa...

Have you got a wonderful Mum?

My Mum was lovely and struggled through quite a difficult life, managing to keep her family fed and clothed on my father's low income from farm work.She had great faith in God and brought us up to be the same and all three of us still are believers. You can read her story starting 1912. The link below will take you to that story. It's a wonderful thing to be a mother and now I am a Grandmother. It's a whole new adventure. I would love to get some comments here on my blog. Tell me about your experience of being a Grandparent. You might have some tips to help me do the job well. That would be nice. My Mum

I love writing Poetry

Today I've written a new poem called My New Love. I've written several poems of love and passion, but this one is special. It starts as if I am talking of a new man in my life but it's really about my new grandchild, my first grandchild. This is a very special moment in my life and this love will not fade. I expect I shall sometimes be exasperated but the love will still be there. Grand parents have one big thing on their sides, they can always hand them back to Mum and Dad. Take a look at some of my poems including this one, click on the page below. My Poems of Love and Passion


When it comes to cooking I am absent-minded. I do not have the patience to keep my attention on my saucepans when they are boiling. Consequently I often burn my food and ruin my saucepans. I intend to turn over a new leaf and stop doing this. Is God absentminded? Does he leave us to our own devices whilst he is busy doing something else? There is a verse that says "God neither slumbers nor sleeps." His attention is fixed on you all the time, and on me. Is his attention to your life welcome or do you wish you could hide from him? If he is your Lord and God and you have put your trust in him you can be sure that he has your best welfare at heart. Whatever comes your way in life it will be for your ultimate benefit and his glory. The God Who Does Not Change

Should Christians Worry?

"Oh, I'm worrying again, I can't be trusting in God, so I'll beat myself up about that and worry some more." Of course we worry sometimes and it is a painful thing to go through, but it is a human reaction to life's circumstances. When you are a christian you want to trust God with the outcome of life's difficulties but going through the process to arrive at God's answer can be very difficult. Also when we remember that God's answer may be painful in itself, no matter how right and good, we are bound to be filled with worry. Trusting God is not always a simple or easy option. It is possible to trust God for a final outcome but also be realistic about the difficult pathway to it. So if you are trusting God but finding the day by day living a time of anxiety, don't beat yourself up about it. Exile comes before deliverance. I've just had a worrying time with my daughter being late to give birth and having quite a difficult time. Happil...

Taking up a Musical Instrument as an Adult

One of my great interests is music. I took up the violin when I was 14. That almost counts as an adult. It is considered important to start the violin at a much earlier age, but only if you wish to play professionally. To play for pleasure it is fine to start at any age, or more likely restart something you gave up as a youngster. I once had a 70 year old pupil who took up the violin after a very big gap and did really well. Below you will find three of my pages on this subject. Taking up the Recorder as an Adult Learning the Violin as an Adult Learning the Piano as an Adult

Poems written in September 2010

Sometimes, like last night I run out of things to say, but last year between April and April of this year I managed to write a poem for every single day of the year. I'm quite proud of that and I invite you to read some of these poems. Below I have put a link to my September poems, written a year ago. Some are seasonal in nature but there are many other subjects covered. I would love you to leave a comment to say what you thought of them, either here or on the page itself. A Poem For Every Day In September

How About Christmas Now?

We don't really know what time of year it was when Jesus was born, so why not think about it now? That way you won't have all the present shopping and food shopping getting in the way of your contemplation.Just give yourself a few minutes to read my poem on the page below and look at Christmas from a different angle. This is the most overwhelmingly wonderful thing, God come to earth as a man. To live for us and to die for us. Worth thinking about isn't it. The one who was King of king and Lord of lords laid aside his majesty to make it possible for us to be forgiven and brought back to God. The First Christmas