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Showing posts from February, 2012

Keep taking the pills?

This winter has been very trying for me. I have felt like taking to my bed to sleep at every possible opportunity. I also lost interest in cooking and bought frozen ready meals. Eventually I realized that the problem was one of my prescription drugs. It was acting as a chemical straight jacket which is something I really do not need. I am mildly bipolar and the pill in question was supposed to stop me having a hypo-manic phase. Boy was it doing it's job, over doing it. I decided to stop taking it and have felt so much better. I will make an appointment with the doctor and discuss it with him. I have never had a bad hypo manic phase, just occasionally been rather jolly and talkative. I have always taken my medication with the aim of avoiding depression and this has been successful. We have to make our own decisions about these things and we know best the affect on our bodies and minds. The doctor can only help us make decisions about what to do.

You can't be always giving out

Sometimes you have to stand back from giving out to others all the time and take a deep breath and let others minister to you. We all get dry periods when we have nothing to give.I've recently had a few days like that when I have felt no inspiration to write this blog. I hope I will soon recover my verve and be back with helpful suggestions on how best to live the christian life. Is there a christian worker in your life who needs you to encourage them? Get out there and do your bit to help.

How vast is the ocean

Today I went with my family to the seaside. How vast the sea is. I have only once been on a boat right out in the sea with no sight of land. That was when I went from Wales to Southern Ireland. The trip over was very calm, but just the opposite on the way back a few days later. We never know when stormy times will come to our lives. Best to be prepared. Stormy Weather

Life isn't meant to be easy.

I've had three quite trying weeks, but today I thought, "Maybe that's how it was meant to be." Life can't always be easy, but if God is with us we can cope with the bad times. If he is with us, nothing else matters. So, christian, if you are having a hard time just lean on your God and he will carry you through.

Knowing who your friends are

Sometimes it is good to debate your beliefs with those who think differently from you. But it can also be quite debilitating when you just meet rock solid antagonism. At times like these you need to meet with friends who share your beliefs. This can be so refreshing after being in a battle.You need to tell the good news but you also need to regroup and get refreshment.

Paul Washer

I've just heard a sermon by Paul Washer. He doesn't mince his words but tells the gospel as it really is. He spoke about the most terrifying thing, that God is good. As he is good he cannot tolerate our sin and it must be punished. He said that our trusting in Jesus's death on the cross is the only way for us to stand before a holy God.I would recommend that you Google Paul Washer and listen to what he has to say.

Feeling Low

Sometimes it's difficult to write my blog. I am feeling a bit low at the moment. It's easy to feel guilty when you feel like this because it seems so wrong to feel low when I consider all the wonderful things I have in God. He is my Saviour and nothing else should matter. I know from experience that this time of depression will soon pass. Spring will soon be on the way and that will help. Meantime I hope to perk up and encourage you on your journey.

Two Destinations

When Jesus speaks of the kingdom of heaven, he always points out that there are two possible destinations, inside the kingdom or outside the kingdom. Outside is the darkness and weeping and gnashing of teeth, inside is the wedding feast. We have to go the way of Jesus to get in. We have to follow him and accept his salvation which he holds out to all who will trust in him. Only Jesus can decide who goes in to the feast and who is left outside. Ask him to make you fit for the kingdom, now.