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Showing posts from May, 2012

Difficult days

Today at the Bible study we read from the book of Revelation from Chapter 21. It was about the new heaven and earth and God being our light and living with us. If you are living through difficult days remind yourself of the glory which will be ours when all things are sorted out and evil and crying and mourning are done away with. Paul tells us to think of our affliction as being very light when compared with the glory that is to come. Be encouraged.

All Over the World

It is amazing to know that my posts are read all over the world. What a wonderful chance to tell you all of what Jesus has done in my life. You can find the answer in many of my posts. I would love you to make comments on my posts and tell me of the wonderful things Jesus has done in your life. We all have a story to tell. I had christian parents and became a christian when I was seven. My path through life has not always been what it should be, but Jesus has never left my side. My family was split up through my doing, but now several years later we are re-united. Only Jesus could bring about this reconciliation. Wouldn't you like Jesus to sort out your life too?

What a privilege

I took my first funeral service on Saturday. On the Friday I had spent time with the family discussing what they wanted in the eulogy. Hearing them share their precious memories was so good even though there was, of course, great sorrow too. The service went well and there were no awkward moments. What a privilege to be alongside a family and in some way a part of that family, as they mourned and remembered.

Jesus is the Answer

Jesus said,"Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." He promises that if you come to him for the answers to life's questions he will most certainly give you his rest. But you must come. When you are at your wits end with what this world has flung at you, there is only one answer, Jesus. He also promises,"Whoever comes to me I will not turn him away." So what are you waiting for, put your trust in him.

Are you ill?

Why does God let his children be ill? Even those who are doing their best to serve Him? Therer are no easy answers, but God does have a purpose and when we meet Him in heaven he will explain and we will then know that it was all for His glory and our own good. Read about Job and how he suffered, in the link below. Interesting Bible People: Job

In Spirit and in Truth

How do you worship God? Do you go to a big cathedral and listen to the beautiful singing? That can help you to worship or it can be a big distraction, taking your mind off God and fixing it here on earth. We need to focus all our attention on God, for some music can help this. For others quietness is more helpful. However silence can me marred by thoughts of daily life. We do have our problems coming to God. We need to ask Him to show us the way to worship Him in spirit and in truth.The first step is to throw ourselves at His feet and ask for His help.

God's Good Earth

Some people worship the Earth. This is wrong, we should only worship God. I wrote a page on Squidoo about this. I also say how I do not believe in evolution. It takes a whole lot more faith to believe in evolution than it does in the great and glorious God who made all of creation. To see more on this subject click on the link below. God's Good Earth