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Showing posts from December, 2010

My Christmas story

I am back, but only to give you the link to my latest Squidoo lens. I mentioned My Christmas Story in my last post. It's all about Christmas the year I was seven. What we ate, what we did and the presents we gave and received. It was quite a change from Christmas today with it's consumer razzmatrazz. My Christmas Story

Christmas in 1954

Have you ever wondered what Christmas was like years ago? No I don't mean the Victorian Christmas, I'm thinking of the 50's in rural Britain. I was seven then and I'm making a lens about it on Squidoo. It's a work in progress at the moment so I can't give you the link just yet, but I wanted to whet your appetite. We were a relatively poor family, as Dad was a farm labourer. I went to school with other children like myself and also the farmers' children who were better off. We had quite a spartan Christmas, but we had enough to get by and have some extra treats on the day itself. This was thanks to our resourceful parents. Very few people had television at thast time, but we had the radio, or wireless as we called it then and enjoyed that immensely. So keep your eyes peeled for the link when it comes, in the next few days.