Just as you can inherit various illnesses from your parents so you not only can, but do inherit sin. Nobody likes to be called a sinner, but I'm afraid that is what we all are. Since Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil with have all, without fail, inherited sin. Sin is rebellion against God. Just to show I'm not getting at you, just wanting to help you, I know I am a sinner. I had a conversion experience at seven years old. I grew up in the church and was taught the right way to go. At 51 I went against God's law and left my husband for another man. In theory, before that I believed I was a sinner, after I knew it in a deeper way, but also experienced God's forgiveness even in the middle of disobeying. I believe he was teaching me a vital lesson that although I was a christian I was also still a sinner and I must not look down on anyone else.
So why was God forgiving me ? From the age of seven I had put my trust in Jesus to save me from my sin. God had called me to himself and I believed. We like to think we can make it alright with God in our own strength but this is not possible. The way back to him that God has chosen is that we should place our faith in Jesus alone. To see more about this click the links below. Justification by Faith is about being put right with God in God's way.
A Bit About Me
Justification by Faith
So why was God forgiving me ? From the age of seven I had put my trust in Jesus to save me from my sin. God had called me to himself and I believed. We like to think we can make it alright with God in our own strength but this is not possible. The way back to him that God has chosen is that we should place our faith in Jesus alone. To see more about this click the links below. Justification by Faith is about being put right with God in God's way.
A Bit About Me
Justification by Faith
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