There once was a man who liked to hoard everything, even junk mail. He intended at some time in the future to read it all, even though all the information would be out of date. He also hoarded things which may have been useful, like a pram. All these things were put in the attic. Many years later some squirrels found their way under the roof and made a home for themselves among these assorted items. If any of the things had been worth having before this they certainly were not after.
Physical junk is a bad enough problem but spiritual junk is much worse. We need to read our Bibles to find what are the good things worth keeping in our lives and which need turfing out. Once you may have believed something which was not right, but you cling onto it beccause you are used to it. We need to throw out that well worn belief and let Jesus in. For advice on how to deal with physical clutter click the link below. For advice on belief click the second link.
How To De-clutter Your House
Justification By Faith
Physical junk is a bad enough problem but spiritual junk is much worse. We need to read our Bibles to find what are the good things worth keeping in our lives and which need turfing out. Once you may have believed something which was not right, but you cling onto it beccause you are used to it. We need to throw out that well worn belief and let Jesus in. For advice on how to deal with physical clutter click the link below. For advice on belief click the second link.
How To De-clutter Your House
Justification By Faith
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