The purpose of my preaching is that you might find Jesus to be your saviour and only way back to God. If you do not ask for his forgiveness you are on your way to a lost eternity without God. All of your life, whether you acknowledge it or not, you have been surrounded by the presence of God. All that is good in life comes from him. None of this will be yours if you refuse his forgiveness.No matter how we picture hell, it is the to be lost, without God. Indeed a terrible prospect. Someone pictured hell as being like row of people sat opposite each other with a wonderful meal before them, but chained in such a way that they could not bring the spoon to their own mouth. Heaven was the same but each person fed the one opposite them. So heaven was full of concern and compassion for each other, but hell full of selfishness and frustration. Are you headed for heaven or hell?
The Hottest Topic: Hell
The Coolest Place: Heaven
The Hottest Topic: Hell
The Coolest Place: Heaven
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