Dating agencies can attract some really weird people. If you are a christian you are far better off trusting God to find you the right partner, or indeed to trust him to be right in giving you a single life. There are huge advantages in being single. All your time and energy can be spent in serving God where he wants you to be, without having to consider a partner's needs or demands. I have been married and now am single and loving it. For instance it is now 11.06p.m. if I was married my partner would probably be wanting me to settle down to sleep for the night, but instead I am able to write my blog and am not disturbing anyone. I've just had a troubled friend on the phone to me. A partner would be saying, "Your always on that phone, what does she want now?" But no, I am single and so disturbing no one and have been able to do God's work of helping my friend.
It is all very well for me to be holier than thou about dating agencies. I am content to be single, but many people are very lonely and long for companionship. If this is the case choose a christian dating agency, on or off the internet. Then you are more likely to find someone who shares your christian faith and interests. But always commit everything to God in prayer.
God knows the best direction for your life. Will you let him guide you into it? Read about my life below.
A Bit About Me
It is all very well for me to be holier than thou about dating agencies. I am content to be single, but many people are very lonely and long for companionship. If this is the case choose a christian dating agency, on or off the internet. Then you are more likely to find someone who shares your christian faith and interests. But always commit everything to God in prayer.
God knows the best direction for your life. Will you let him guide you into it? Read about my life below.
A Bit About Me
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