Of course education is very important. We want our children to get good jobs which they will find fulfilling and support a reasonable life style. Sometimes children's lives are made a misery by days packed end to end with learning. We should not make education a god before whom we sacrifice our children. Sometimes young people struggle to get to university only to find that they have been badly advised and there is no job at the end of all their hard work. I know of a girl who wanted to go into teaching but instead of going into a teaching post after her degree, she went on to do a master's degree. When she then came to look for a job in teaching no one would take her on because she was a novice but commanded a higher salary because of her master's degree. She had been badly advised.She had to look elsewhere for employment.
A levels and degrees do not get you into heaven. We should teach our children to put God first in their lives. He then will guide them for their future both here and in the life to come.
A levels and degrees do not get you into heaven. We should teach our children to put God first in their lives. He then will guide them for their future both here and in the life to come.
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