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The Kremlin

The late night did start to have an effect on me.  Generally what happens is that I become more sensitive to my situation.  I had had no trouble adjusting to being on the boat.  Of course, being a river cruise the motion was very gentle, but now on land in Moscow I began to feel as if everything was gently moving.  I hadn't properly got my land legs.  It wasn't a great problem.  As leaping around the Metro had strained the muscles in one hip I took to using my stick and of course this helped with the motion problem.  We went to the Kremlin.  As we were a  pre-booked party we didn't have to queue for very long. It was raining but not badly. The word Kremlin means a fortress, an enclosed area. Inside is the President's residence and place of work.  There was the clock tower which I recognized from watching President Putin's New Year address, which he gave after the clock struck midnight. I am an  unashamed fan of President Putin and watch his broadcasts regularly on Russian T.V. via the internet and then as my Russian is not very good I watch again on Youtube with subtitles. We in the West could learn a lot from him and should look to our own misdemeanours before we criticize him. There are various gold domed churches within the Kremlin.  There is a huge bell with a piece fallen out of it.  There are cannons large and small. The President was away.  At the G20 I think.


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