Knowing God's will for your life is not a matter of desperately seeking with panic in your heart. If you are trusting in Jesus, God is bringing about His will for you in everything that happens. Do not panic. All you have to do is be aware that the Almighty God has you in His care and is bringing about His will in your life in each event that happens to you. He is your Father and cares for you. You just need to surrender to Him, to accept each day with its trials and troubles and happiness too as God's will unfolding for you. Wherever you are in the world, whether it is easy or difficult to live there, this is the place God has placed you in. If you are trying to change this situation make slow decisions. Wait and talk with God. You need to realize that God's will for you is actually the very best for you even if it feels tremendously difficult. Surrender to God and tell Him you want to go His way as you know that is the best way, even though from a human standpoint it looks awful. Do you find the laws of your country limiting, remember that is where God has placed you. Paul says that we should pray "For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty." Yes, God put our rulers in place. That may seem hard to believe sometimes. Some do a better job than others, but God is over them all and working all things together for good to them that love Him. Sometimes we think God has forgotten all about us, but this is not so. If we have put our trust in Jesus we are God's precious children. Some will have to suffer persecution for their faith but His rewards will be great. Be encouraged and rest in your Lord.
When we lose a loved one it is natural to wonder how they are faring in the next life. I would warn against going to a medium to find out. At worst these people are charlatans after your money, the rest misguided or worse. We are told in the Bible not to try to reach the dead. The best person to call on in this situation is Jesus. That's right, go to the top. He is always available through prayer and doesn't make a charge. All he requires is that you look for him with all your heart. He has the answers to all of life's difficult questions.
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