Is it the people who have depression and can only see the
black side of things or is it those of us who are filling our lives with
trivia? While they see the true horror
of what is happening in our world most of us are collecting gadgets that we
feel we must have. We are frittering our
lives away in meaningless activity, all to keep us blinkered from the
atrocities of the day. We block our ears and our hearts to the truth about life
and fill our days with doing something, anything, to stop us having to face up
to the truth. What is this truth, it is
the fact that the world is full of wickedness ranging from the devastation and
horror of war which we think in the West we can turn o0ur backs on, to the
horror of the killing of unborn babies which is largely condoned in our
society, but nevertheless is murder. All this is done by a world that rejects
its Creator, denies His existence. But
God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. There will be a day when all we have done or
condoned will have to be accounted for before God. Take this to heart and you will be worried,
and so you should. However if we come to
Jesus for forgiveness we will find it.
He promises to forgive anyone who comes to Him now. One day it will be too late.
When we lose a loved one it is natural to wonder how they are faring in the next life. I would warn against going to a medium to find out. At worst these people are charlatans after your money, the rest misguided or worse. We are told in the Bible not to try to reach the dead. The best person to call on in this situation is Jesus. That's right, go to the top. He is always available through prayer and doesn't make a charge. All he requires is that you look for him with all your heart. He has the answers to all of life's difficult questions.
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