Yes, many people are afraid that World War Three could start at any moment. What fools, don't they realize it has already started? Just because we don't have bombing in Britain( except very occasionally terrorist bombing) this doesn't mean that the war hasn't started. After all the major powers are involved in Syria and Iraq and no doubt covertly in many other places. We have forgotten how much war there is in Africa, mainly because the main media, such as the BBC, does not update us on these. Terrible things are happening in our world. The world is at war. So what is my advice to the ordinary person? Put your trust in Jesus Christ and you will have nothing to fear. We are all in far more danger than the danger of world war. We are in danger of God's wrath if we do not turn to Jesus so that He will forgive our sins. If we do this nothing the world can throw at us will matter, because our eternal destiny will be secure. If you don't do this your eternal destiny will be immeasurably worse than any earthly war can do to you.The choice seems simple but who will listen and follow this advice? Don't go on in denial thinking life in the West is rosie, things can only get worse in our world.
When we lose a loved one it is natural to wonder how they are faring in the next life. I would warn against going to a medium to find out. At worst these people are charlatans after your money, the rest misguided or worse. We are told in the Bible not to try to reach the dead. The best person to call on in this situation is Jesus. That's right, go to the top. He is always available through prayer and doesn't make a charge. All he requires is that you look for him with all your heart. He has the answers to all of life's difficult questions.
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