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Does it matter to a Christian whether you believe in Evolution or Not?

I am writing a little about what God the Father is like and what He is not like. I’m going to start in a good place, the beginning. Well at least it is at our beginning, for God had no beginning and has no end. So first we look at the creation of all things; and just to show that we cannot separate the Father Son and Holy Spirit let’s look at John’s gospel chapter one we read 1 v1-In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without him nothing was made that was made” So there we have Father and Son working together And then in Genesis we read that the spirit was hovering over the face of the waters.” We see how in six days God created all things and then rested As we go through each thing created we see that God pronounces it to be good and when man is created it is declared very good. Now for many years the T.V. has been pumping into our homes the Theory of Evolution. Many Christians have felt that the evidence for it is overwhelming because our T.Vs. give us only one side of the picture. We have felt that all we could do is tack God on the front of evolution as the one who lit the blue touch paper that set off the Big Bang and that then He retired to let things roll on in a random fashion. I once held this view for two or three years. My parents brought me up to believe in a six day creation by an Almighty God who had no problem fitting His work into six ordinary days. I can remember listening to “How things began” on the radio at Primary School. I rejected evolution then. By the time I reached sixth form at Tiverton Grammar School I had adopted the idea that the scientists must be right. However I went to Cardiff university and soon met people in the Christian Union who introduced me to books showing the flaws of evolution and the truth of a six day creation. From then I have been a confirmed Creationist. I have also met top-notch scientists who are creationists; one Andy McIntosh is a Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory at Leeds university. I heard him lecture on the special adaptations of a bird which have no resemblance to the reptiles from which the evolutionists say the bird descended. You may say we are getting off the point. Let’s get back to God the Father a very good thing to do. If evolution were true it would mean that God just left things to muddle along in their own way, with nature red in tooth and claw with the survival of the fittest and the death of the rest. Now where did death come from. We are told in Romans “The wages of sin is death.” So death comes from sin, but according to evolution millions of years of death happened before ever man came on the scene and rebelled against God. But we know that Adam and Eve sinned and that is what brought death on the scene. We can see there was death in Eden immediately, because God clothed Adam and Eve with skins, the skins of animals, killed because of man’s sin. You see if you start dis-believing a part of God’s word everything else falls apart and nothing makes sense any more. If you start speaking of Adam and Eve as allegory, while Paul says “As in Adam all die and in Christ all are made alive.” Then the gospel story falls apart too. If God is not powerful enough to create all things in six says He is not almighty. God is not restricted by time as we are. Creation was a tiny little job for God compared with the power He had to use to save us who believe in Him. Our God is not restricted by man’s theories. The Bible is the book he has given so that we can know Him. If we cannot trust one part where do we stop before we have thrown the whole book away? When you believe your Bible you have a respect for life. Evolutionists support abortion and euthanasia. They believe in the survival of the fittest. There is no room for compassion for the weak, disabled or old. But God tells us to look after the weak. Our God is full of loving kindness and tender mercy. In the Old Testament we read how the Israelites were told by God to look after the stranger in the land. The farmers were told not to strip their fields clean of crops but to leave some around the edges so that the poor could have food. Over and over again God told Moses to tell the fathers that they must teach all the stories from their history to their children, because we are so greatly inclined to forget what God has done. I believe to our detriment we have forgotten to tell the creation story to our children. The way the evolutionist tells the story of how things began I would not believe in a God who did things that way. A God who allowed death on innocent life forms when there was no sin present. I don’t see how it is possible to believe in evolution and also a loving God. Also I cannot believe in a God who would so clearly speak in the Bible of six literal days when millions of years was meant. That would be a God I could not trust. You may wonder why I feel so strongly about it. I have always held the view that the Bible is to be trusted in everything it says. After those two years when I capitulated to the theory of evolution I read up on the scientific arguments of the people, mostly scientists, who supported the Biblical view of creation. I read a book about the Genesis flood written by an hydraulics engineer and yes, I do believe in a worldwide flood. After all if Noah’s flood was a local flood, I’m sorry but you now have a God who lies and doesn’t keep His promises. Recently we have seen on our T.V’s many dreadful local floods in many parts of the world. That’s not the God I know. I believe unless we get ourselves straight about the inerrancy of the Bible and say,”If it conflicts with the Bible I’m not going to believe it.” We will find ourselves in an awful mess when we try to understand God the Father and what he requires of us. There are many creationist sites on the internet so do go and explore and see if they are all crazy or if they make a good argument for a six day creation and a God who cares about his creation, not one who just randomly threw it together. God, Father , Son and holy Spirit cares deeply for each one of His children. Those who lived at the time of the flood were so wicked that God might have drowned all, even Noah and his family, but no he choose to rescue Noah and seven others for themselves and for the sake of those who would come after them, including you and me. And long before that Father, Son and Holy Spirit had worked out the plan of salvation.1 Peter 1:20 . Jesus was fore ordained to be the sacrifice for our sins before the world was founded. You see our God is not a haphazard God He is almighty and as such in complete control of all things. He was in control of whether I would write this and whether you would read it. We think we came to this blog because we thought we would. I could say I was here because I do it regularly, but no, ultimately we are here because God decided to bring us here. We are here so that I could write these words to you and you could read them. There is a purpose in everything that happens to us. Each of his children he is bringing closer to himself, sometimes by events that we find pleasant and enjoyable and sometimes by things which we find hard to bear, but all have the purpose of bringing us nearer to God. I believe that the story of creation that we have in the Bible gives us a truer picture of God than anything else can. He cares about his creation but even so it is destined to be destroyed by fire. However there is to be a new heaven and a new earth where there will be no death ever again. A new heaven and earth that we can look forward to if we are trusting in God who sent His Son to die for each one of his children.


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