This charming little westie is the reason for me being late. I spent the night dog-sitting at her place and couldn't get to a computer. So I am late. God is never late. He has everything planned and it happens just when he wishes it to. You may think God is late answering your prayer, but He has already answered it but maybe for you the answer is in the future. God is not caught in time as we are, he knows the end from the beginning. If you are trusting in Him He has your best interest at heart and you will get that answer to your prayer, but at the time that is best. However it is not easy for us to wait for that answer, we are by nature very impatient. I am 64 and I believe I am on the brink of having a prayer answered that I prayed when I was a teenager. Sometimes it is best to leave our prayers with God and get on with our lives until He answers and gives us a wonderful surprise.
A Prayer for Every Day
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