What do you spend your spare time on? there are all sorts of possibilities. You may enjoy a sport or hobby. You may while away the hours on computer games or just watching T.V. What good will all this do? A sport is very good for your physical health. On the T.V. you may be giving your mind lots to think about. I say that there is nothing that can benefit you as much as reading your Bible. You may need some notes to help you. These can be very good, but they tend to chop the Bible up into small passages and then you lose the main picture. There are lots of small sections in the Bible which can be read in one sitting, such as the book of Ruth or of Esther. Bigger books like Isaiah can be read several chapters at a time. Those of you new to reading the Bible will need notes to explain things, but there are lots of old timer christians who have read small portions for years, now is the time to read big, healthy chunks. When you read small sections you are like someone at a buffet who has a bite of cucumber here and a mouthful of sausage roll there and never have a satisfying meal. What you need is beef, roast potatoes and vegetables, a really nourishing meal. You can only do that by reading large chunks of scripture. What good does this do? It helps you to find God and is therefore beneficial for your eternal health. Hobbies and sports and T.V. are for now only,whereas the Bible has eternal worth.
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