Do you think it all out before-hand with a topic all straight in your mind? Or do you do what I do, just plunge in and hope for the best? The advantage with my way is that anything can pop up and be the topic of the day. Thinking it all out first could cramp your style. Your topic could turn out to be too narrow and stunted. Of course by contrast mine could ramble. whatever I am to say I intend to include one of my photos for added interest. Anyway what is the purpose of a blog? Are we all capable of holding the interest of people across the world? Maybe not too many of them but if we brighten the day of a few it is worthwhile holding out a hand of friendship. Often I speak about God and my greatest desire is to help someone, somewhere to find God through Jesus. My photos show what the God of creation does. I pray you will come closer to him. Here is a poem I wrote about God's greatness and where you can read about why I wrote it.
God the Infinite dwells with me,
Vaster than the ocean,
Deeper than the sea.
God the almighty dwells with me
Stronger than the tempest
Fiercer than tsunami
God the all-seeing, has me in his care,
Watches all around me,
Seeing everywhere.
God the all-knowing one,
Knows each step I take,
Watches o'er my progress,
Sleeping or awake
Dancing light unseen, unseeable.
Moving like the wind from where to where.
God my Redeemer permeating everything,
In him we live and move and are.
Music of the spheres sing his praise,
Thunder clap, volcano spout, mighty sea roar
All dwarfed by His magnificence.
Far too wonderful to be trapped in a poem God my Creator
Infinite God
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