A beautiful rose with a beautiful name. How can we get peace in this day and age? Is your life peaceful, or are you caught in the rat race? As prices go up you have to work harder and harder to make ends meet. Can you keep this up? There is another way. You can find peace with God in Jesus. He can give you a peaceful life, because when you find him, many of the things you think are essential, you will find you can do without. He will become the centre of your life and in him you will find satisfaction. Here is another poem of mine about God.
I try to catch you with my words,
But you are elusive as an eel.
To catch the essence of you my God
But you slip through my fingers,
And will not be confined
In my understanding.
How great you are,
How small I am,
How small my picture of you.
Greatness is not enough
Splendour not sufficient
To describe you,
No word can tie you down.
I marvel at the wonder of who you are,
But my contemplation is not enough
To come near you.
And so my finite brain
Will rest in you because the work of understanding is too hard for it.
And yet you urge me on,
To try again,
To scale the heights.
Onward and upward.
Seeking after you,
My God.
In Jesus we see you,
Not a pale reflection
But the very embodiment of all that you are.
In him the immortal dies
To bring us life.
And so we should die to self
And live for him.
"O that men would praise the Lord."
O that I would.
What flimsy worship we offer you
With so little fervour,
So little energy.
Lord, stir up your spirit in me,
Get for yourself the worship due to you.
And help us cast away the trappings of our life,
That we cling to and that drag us down
May we move on to the new life
And not cling to the old.
Finding God Near You.
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