Instead of yesterday's post about my difficult week I could have made no comment and written you a saintly homily about the Christian life, but that would be dishonest. If we don't share our problems where can people go when they are in difficulties. If I pretended the Christian life was just full of roses and mountaintop experiences someone reading my post would wonder why they found everything so difficult when I was floating on cloud number nine. We need to be honest with one another and admit to the problems we have. Of course for most of us there are the beautiful days when life is wonderful and that is to be gloried in, but the hard times come too and these are the times that stretch us and make us stronger. We have this idea that life should be wonderful all the time. Wherever did we get that idea from? The history of our families before us is one of struggle, why should ours be any different? This is not heaven, we are not there yet....