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Showing posts from September, 2011

Tempo for Tots

I have just been asked to help out with piano playing for a little group of Mums and toddlers who enjoy exploring music and movement together. Today I went along to watch what happened. First there was time for the children to enjoy the toy box, while the Mums chatted and had coffee if they liked. After about 20 minutes the music session began. First there was a song for putting away the toys. This was done very successfully, part of a natural routine. There was a music box to open and inside were toy animals. We all sang, "Old Macdonald had a farm" and joined in the noises for all the different animals. We had a song about the rainbow and the children were given different coloured sciffon scarves to wave around. Soon it was time for the goodbye song. It was a time for Mums and tots to socialize. I believe I will enjoy being involved in this myself. I get to look at the music and words on Monday and then I will jump in with both feet next Thursday. I have played f...

October's nearly here.

You might like to read the poems I wrote last October. The titles of some of the poems are:- Bare tree, Travelling, Success, The bucket list. Prepare to have your conscience nudged if you read that last one. I really enjoyed writing a poem each day last year. Discipline is a wonderful thing and after all the more practice we have at something the better we get. Is there something you enjoy but you are just not doing it ? Set yourself a challenge to do it often and see how you improve. Here is the link to my October poetry page. A Poem For Every Day In October

Did you know sin is hereditary ?

Just as you can inherit various illnesses from your parents so you not only can, but do inherit sin. Nobody likes to be called a sinner, but I'm afraid that is what we all are. Since Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil with have all, without fail, inherited sin. Sin is rebellion against God. Just to show I'm not getting at you, just wanting to help you, I know I am a sinner. I had a conversion experience at seven years old. I grew up in the church and was taught the right way to go. At 51 I went against God's law and left my husband for another man. In theory, before that I believed I was a sinner, after I knew it in a deeper way, but also experienced God's forgiveness even in the middle of disobeying. I believe he was teaching me a vital lesson that although I was a christian I was also still a sinner and I must not look down on anyone else. So why was God forgiving me ? From the age of seven I had put...

Tempted to live online all the time ?

It can be tempting to live life all the time on the net. You can't see the other person's body language and they can't see yours. You can read their posts in any sort of tone of voice you choose and react accordingly. Best of all you can cut them out of your life at a moment's notice. It's hard work to have a real life relationship with real live people. Sometimes you hurt one another, but what you learn in those circumstances is invaluable. Life isn't meant to be easy. We are not here just to enjoy ourselves, we are here to learn from our mistakes. We are here to grow and learn to love God and man. It is possible to have meaningful contact on line and often the people involved eventually want to meet one another for real.Click below to see my advice on how to make friends. Making Friends and Keeping Them

Would you like to know more about me?

I am 64 and live in Devon, England. I have just passed a course to become a Local Preacher with the Methodist Church. I won't be completely accredited until a service on October 23rd this year. You can read all about how to become a preacher in the first link below and in the next what it was like for me to have Christmas as a child . Perhaps you wonder about all the things I say here on my blog. Reading about my life may help you to see where I am coming from. I really enjoy writing my blog each day and hope it is useful to you folks out there in U.S.A., Russia. Germany , Latvia, Australia and many more places. I would love you to comment and let me know how much you love or hate my blog. Come on let's get to know each other. How to become a Preacher My Christmas Story

How do you help someone ?

Helping another person seems like a good thing to do, but some helping does more harm than good. If you are forever doing something for a friend and never letting them get to grips with it themselves you are making them dependent on you. That might give you a pleasant feeling, but it is really not helping at all.These folk who ask for our help may enjoy being a victim and some of us are wired up to play the game. If your friend/husband/daughter,asks for your help and you think they are perfectly capable of coping with the task in question, encourage them to do it themselves. Why should you be burdened down with the world's problems. Sometimes the victim is playing a game. They ask for your help in a helpless kind of way and then turn on you, becoming the perecutor and making you the victim. Over the years I have learnt to break out of this triangle and say "no" when my help is not really needed. I had twenty years sortiing out how to say "no" to an aged...

What is the best way to teach people to be less selfish ?

Make them into parents. The first time parent must be completely knocked sideways when they are first left alone with their little bundle of joy. Poor little thing is often a bundle of misery. He must be bewildered to find he is out of the cosy womb and left in the hands of novices. The parents meanwhile have to forgo regular sleep and keep their thoughts trained on the needs of the infant. Hobbies have to be forgotten and money spent on the child, not the latest luxury. It's great to have a child, but wow, what a steep learning curve.

Is Your Life Cluttered up ?

There once was a man who liked to hoard everything, even junk mail. He intended at some time in the future to read it all, even though all the information would be out of date. He also hoarded things which may have been useful, like a pram. All these things were put in the attic. Many years later some squirrels found their way under the roof and made a home for themselves among these assorted items. If any of the things had been worth having before this they certainly were not after. Physical junk is a bad enough problem but spiritual junk is much worse. We need to read our Bibles to find what are the good things worth keeping in our lives and which need turfing out. Once you may have believed something which was not right, but you cling onto it beccause you are used to it. We need to throw out that well worn belief and let Jesus in. For advice on how to deal with physical clutter click the link below. For advice on belief click the second link. How To De-clutter Your House...

Do you like Beethoven ?

I have liked Beethoven for most of my life. I like to listen, especially in a live concert. I have the audacity to try playing his piano sonatas. I've even tried to play his violin concerto, not a pleasant experience for anyone listening. I had a friend who would say,"If it's worth playing well, it's worth playing badly." Do you enjoy the experience of trying to play well, or do you leave it to the experts ? In Jesus's time there were "experts" who would listen to him and criticise what he did. But it was the ordinary people who "heard him gladly" and realized that here was the maestro or "messiah." He not only sang the song of heaven but did it with consummate skill. If you want to hear him speak to you read one of the gospels in your Bible, John's gospel in particular. If you love him you will hear the love song of his love for you. Beethoven

Why Doesn't Anyone Comment On My Posts ?

It would de so nice for this blog to be two-way. I would love your opinions even if you don't agree with me. My biggest group of readers is from U.S.A. then comes U.K. where I live. After that there is a sprinkling of Europeans, Russians, India, Singapore, Peru and Australia. How amazing to have an audience like that. The nearest I came to this as a child was to have a penpal in Sweden. We never imagined we would be able to reach out across the world. Now I am almost a missionary, without having to leave my living room. Do you think this is amazing ? Would you like to tell me so ? I would love to hear from you.

Original Sin

Babies are beautiful and grandchildren babies especially so. But you don't have to have a baby for long before you find he is planning to have things all his own. Of course he has to cry to let us know he needs something and we must respond accordingly. Also he does know what he wants until we give him the framework. However the order and good running of a family is going to go out the window if we let junior have things all his own way. Half the time the baby doesn't know what he wants and we have to give him a safe routine that he can rely on. Demand feeding can be a good thing but if the mother doesn't understand that the baby is not always asking for food everybody's peace will be shattered. It is similar but not so important with training a puppy as I'm sure you dog owners will agree. There is a great difference between a puppy and a human baby. If you train a puppy well it will usually be a most obedient dog. Humans always have a tendency to go astray ...

Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers

God always answers our prayers, it just might not seem like it. Sometimes he says,"yes" and sometimes "no". But more oftern he says"wait." I recently had a prayer answered that I prayed about thirty years ago. A woman in a neighbouring village was going through a difficullt time and I asked the Lord if I could help her by being her friend. I didn't even know what she looked like then, but three years ago I was in a meeting, having met this woman once or twice and not even knowing she was the woman I had prayed for. She was in s distressed state having lost her husband 18 months previously. I felt the Lord was telling me to give her a hug. I did and this was the beginning of our friendship. Why did God take so long to answer my prayer? Perhaps this time was the best time for our friendship to begin, I think so. When God answers our ptayers he is not trapped in time as we are. He answers our prayers at once, it is just that we have to catch ...

Do you have a friend ?

Last night I wrote about friends coming around for the evening. Tonight I had another friend come. She stayed nearly two hours. We talked about our families and about our problems. But perhaps it isn't like that for you. Do you have a friend or friends ? so many people live alone these days, for one reason or another. Some are so used to their own company that they've forgotten what it is like to have a friend. If you click on the link below you will be taken to a page where I make suggestions as to how you can find a friend. Do you know who the best friend of all is? It is Jesus. I know that because he has been my friend for most of my life, well all of my life really, but I didn't know it at the beginning. My other link below will take you to a page which tells about Jesus becoming our friend. Making Friends And Keeping Them Justification By Faith

Who do you talk to each day?

In this day of Facebook and chatrooms are we missing out on really talking to each other? I've just had four friends in my flat for almost three hours, for a chat. Three of them moved in recently. It was a pleasure to be together. During that time we had tea and coffee and homemade sponge cake. We didn't need the T.V. or the computer. Is there someone you should be talking to? How about talking to God. He is waiting for you to thank him, or ask him for help. If you don't know where to start go to the page link below. It's not difficult and don't forget to listen as well. A Prayer For EVery Day

Why do you get in the boat?

As a young teenager on a trip to the seaside, I remember worrying about whether or not I would want to take "a trip round the bay" in a small boat. I was worried I would be sick or even fall in the sea. Then the minister said he was going around the bay, but his wife said. "You won't catch me getting in a boat." That made me realize it was not obligatory, I could just say,"No thank you," and my torment would be over. If you are adventurous by all means step into the many boats that life offers, but if you like a calm life, just say "No, thank you." How many of us are doing things because other people enjoy them, when really we would rather not do them? Are you on a treadmill of continuous "pleasure" when really you would rather take life at a calmer pace? Are you working yourself to your absolute limit in order to take three foreign holidays a year, because all your friends do? I don't suppose you have even realized this ...

Why be a preacher?

Tonight I went to the Local Preacher's meeting and after being quizzed on my spiritual journey, discussing Wesley's sermon and giving a presentation, I was voted in as a Local Preacher. Tomorrow, hopefully, the Circuit Meeting will also vote in my favour.In a month's time I will have a Celebration service and then I will be fully accredited. So why am I doing this, at the age of 64, when I could be sleeping in on Sunday mornings? I believe God has called me to do this. He has equipped me with a knowledge of the Bible, which is the only real way we have of knowing God. He has given me an enthusiam to bring knowledge of his love and forgiveness to those who will listen to what is preached.If you want to read more about my struggles to get this far click the link below. How to become a Local Preacher in the Methodist Church in Britain

Have you heard the music of Arvo Part?

Arvo Part is a modern day composer of serious music. He was born in Estonia. He writes mainly church music which is very beautiful. Pieces are often a cappello, that is voices only with no instrumental accompaniment. He is a deeply religious man and his music is awash with worship and holiness. i have written a page about him which is at the link below. On this page you will find you can listen to his music and listen to interviews and masterclasses of his. This is a chance to immediately discover if this is music you would like to explore further. I recently used it at a Women's retreat that I was leading. We had been chatting away and then used this music to quieten our spirits before a time of silence and prayer. The Music of Arvo Part

Do you look down your nose at other people?

On Squidoo I have written two pages about people we are inclined to look down on. One is the drunk and one the prostitute. Do you look down on these people? In both cases I begin with a poem of my own, then I explain why I wrote it. The drunk usually becomes a drunk because of tremendous pressure in his or her life. Perhaps pressure that we, who do not have a drink problem, have never experienced. It's one of those "walk a mile in my shoes " situations. In the case of the prostitute she may have been led into the life with promises of a glamourous life. Often these girls are taken into a life of drug taking and then have to remain in it to pay for their habit. Jesus said many prostitutes would go into heaven ahead of the religious leaders. Which should look at our prejudices and come up with kinder attitudes to those suffering around us.Take a look at my pages below. The Drunk The Fallen Woman, a Poem

Do you like reading the Bible?

I love my Bible, it is full of wonderful characters some good, some bad, some a mixture. I have written several stories of Bible characters. I call the series Interesting Bible People.To find the series, all neatly listed, you can go to the link below and then find your way to your favourite character. Here are some of the ones included:- Daniel, Paul, Esther,Rhoda,Naaman,Rahab etc. These people all lived in dangerous times, as indeed do we. People have not changed down the centuries, still there is love of God, love of each other, or on the bad side, jealousy and greed.You can read about it in my various pages. Even if you are an atheist you can learn from the ancient wisdom of the Bible. Bible Characters

Sleep apnea

A couple of years ago I thought I had sleep apnea. What is that? It's associated with snoring, which I do. Some people who snore badly block their airways for a few seconds before breatheing again. Through the night this leads to oxygen deprivation and this disturbs the person's sleep. This is very serious as it can lead to drowsiness in the day time, which is life threatening if you are driving or using machinery. Obviously this needs to be dealt with. However the minute a consultant suspects you have it, whether you actually do or not, you have your driving license taken away. This is a great inconvenience if you do not have the complaint, but very necessary if you do. Once you receive treatment you are able to drive again. If you suspect you may have this problem you can buy an oximeter which fits on your finger and monitors your oxygen levels through the night. This proves one way or the other whether you have sleep apnea(or apnoea, if you are British). If you wa...

Have you got a wonderful Mum?

My Mum was lovely and struggled through quite a difficult life, managing to keep her family fed and clothed on my father's low income from farm work.She had great faith in God and brought us up to be the same and all three of us still are believers. You can read her story starting 1912. The link below will take you to that story. It's a wonderful thing to be a mother and now I am a Grandmother. It's a whole new adventure. I would love to get some comments here on my blog. Tell me about your experience of being a Grandparent. You might have some tips to help me do the job well. That would be nice. My Mum

I love writing Poetry

Today I've written a new poem called My New Love. I've written several poems of love and passion, but this one is special. It starts as if I am talking of a new man in my life but it's really about my new grandchild, my first grandchild. This is a very special moment in my life and this love will not fade. I expect I shall sometimes be exasperated but the love will still be there. Grand parents have one big thing on their sides, they can always hand them back to Mum and Dad. Take a look at some of my poems including this one, click on the page below. My Poems of Love and Passion


When it comes to cooking I am absent-minded. I do not have the patience to keep my attention on my saucepans when they are boiling. Consequently I often burn my food and ruin my saucepans. I intend to turn over a new leaf and stop doing this. Is God absentminded? Does he leave us to our own devices whilst he is busy doing something else? There is a verse that says "God neither slumbers nor sleeps." His attention is fixed on you all the time, and on me. Is his attention to your life welcome or do you wish you could hide from him? If he is your Lord and God and you have put your trust in him you can be sure that he has your best welfare at heart. Whatever comes your way in life it will be for your ultimate benefit and his glory. The God Who Does Not Change

Should Christians Worry?

"Oh, I'm worrying again, I can't be trusting in God, so I'll beat myself up about that and worry some more." Of course we worry sometimes and it is a painful thing to go through, but it is a human reaction to life's circumstances. When you are a christian you want to trust God with the outcome of life's difficulties but going through the process to arrive at God's answer can be very difficult. Also when we remember that God's answer may be painful in itself, no matter how right and good, we are bound to be filled with worry. Trusting God is not always a simple or easy option. It is possible to trust God for a final outcome but also be realistic about the difficult pathway to it. So if you are trusting God but finding the day by day living a time of anxiety, don't beat yourself up about it. Exile comes before deliverance. I've just had a worrying time with my daughter being late to give birth and having quite a difficult time. Happil...

Taking up a Musical Instrument as an Adult

One of my great interests is music. I took up the violin when I was 14. That almost counts as an adult. It is considered important to start the violin at a much earlier age, but only if you wish to play professionally. To play for pleasure it is fine to start at any age, or more likely restart something you gave up as a youngster. I once had a 70 year old pupil who took up the violin after a very big gap and did really well. Below you will find three of my pages on this subject. Taking up the Recorder as an Adult Learning the Violin as an Adult Learning the Piano as an Adult

Poems written in September 2010

Sometimes, like last night I run out of things to say, but last year between April and April of this year I managed to write a poem for every single day of the year. I'm quite proud of that and I invite you to read some of these poems. Below I have put a link to my September poems, written a year ago. Some are seasonal in nature but there are many other subjects covered. I would love you to leave a comment to say what you thought of them, either here or on the page itself. A Poem For Every Day In September