So what does this title mean? If you said it to children in many places in Britain they would tell you it is all about watching 15 minute playlets of Bible stories and it is great fun. Actually it is also great fun for the adults putting on the plays. I belong to a group which takes turn presenting these with another group doing the alternate weeks. We have only been doing it since May and have borrowed costumes and props from a completely different group in another village. Fortunately we have a handyman amongst us and he is collecting together various bits and pieces, swords and bows and arrows etc. I'm not sure who are benefitting the most, the children or the adults.
Open the Book is designed to fit in with the school curriculum. It is a chance to bring back much of the Christian heritage lost to our children over the last few years.i played Saul today and enjoyed being thoroughly bad-tempered and miserable. It's good to get back to having a smile on my face.
Open the Book is designed to fit in with the school curriculum. It is a chance to bring back much of the Christian heritage lost to our children over the last few years.i played Saul today and enjoyed being thoroughly bad-tempered and miserable. It's good to get back to having a smile on my face.
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