Dreadful weather yesterday but sunny today although not very warm. Last evening the Occasional singers gave an evening of singing and ringing. Some of our ladies also ring hand bells. the food afterwards was good. It was a happy time and we gave money for a school for blind children in Bethlehem. Not sure how much was raised yet. It was a happy christian occasion but it made me wonder about our need to reach out to others who don't know Jesus as Saviour. So I wrote a poem and you can see it at this link http://squidoo.com/InspMed it is near the bottom and called Wake up Call.
When I see the christian church these days it reminds of what was said by the German seagull in Watership Down. He said,"Stupid bunnies, no chicks." We have very few children in our churches.
So where is the future. It's not to late to do something about it.
When I see the christian church these days it reminds of what was said by the German seagull in Watership Down. He said,"Stupid bunnies, no chicks." We have very few children in our churches.
So where is the future. It's not to late to do something about it.
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