Many people know the story of Martha being very busy with the housework and complaining that her sister Mary was sitting by Jesus listening to him teaching. Jesus told her that Mary had chosen something better and it would not be taken away from her. Many do not go on to read that when the brother of the sisters, Lazarus died, it was Martha who first went out to meet Jesus, while Mary stayed in the house. She said to Jesus that she knew her brother would not have died if Jesus had been there at the time. Jesus told her that Lazarus would rise again and she agreed that he would at the end of time. Then Jesus said,"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die." He asked if she believed this. And then it was that Martha made a declaration as profound as Peter's."Yes Lord,I believe that you are the Christ, the son of God, who was to come into the world." This puts Martha in a completely different light, but when preacher's speak about the previous story they rarely go on to show the complete picture of this great woman of the Bible.
When we lose a loved one it is natural to wonder how they are faring in the next life. I would warn against going to a medium to find out. At worst these people are charlatans after your money, the rest misguided or worse. We are told in the Bible not to try to reach the dead. The best person to call on in this situation is Jesus. That's right, go to the top. He is always available through prayer and doesn't make a charge. All he requires is that you look for him with all your heart. He has the answers to all of life's difficult questions.
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