Every now and then the world seems on the brink of disaster with different world powers posturing against one another and danger seems imminent. The truth is we are always on the brink but make ourselves a cozy bed in denial. Many of us are cushioned by being in a less danger situation at least close to home. For us disaster is something remote in the Mediterranean where migrants drown because their boats are not sea worthy. We say, “Poor things.” And turn back to our comfortable lives. But the biggest danger we face, no matter where we come from is danger from God. We are all sinners having inherited this problem from our first father and mother Adam and Eve. If we think about God at all we may try to please him with the good deeds we do. But the problem is God requires us to be absolutely perfect!! He knows that is impossible for us if left to ourselves and so in His kindness and mercy He sent Jesus to die on the cross so that absolutely any...