Last Friday
I had a cataract operation. I was
expecting to be going home with a new lens which would give me better eye-sight
than I have had in the last few years. I
had had the local anaesthetic which was a little painful and was peacefully
lying under the blue sheet which prevented me from seeing what was going
on. After a while there was a phone call
made and then I was told that my natural lens had fallen into the back of my
eye. I had read that this was an
unlikely possibility and that it could be rectified. I was told that I would have another
operation on the following Wednesday to put this right and put in the new lens.
My mother always brought me up not to
make a fuss. So I said to the consultant
that I believed God has a purpose in everything, which I do believe. I also told him he could not expect to get
everything right every time. I do not
believe there was any negligence, it was just one of those rare things.
So I went home with one fairly good eye and a
blind eye; all I could see with that one
was white light. I am a Christian and truly do believe God has a purpose in
this, but I am also a human being and reaction set in and I had a wretched
weekend vomiting and being unable to eat. Gradually I got things into
perspective. It is hard for your good
eye to adjust to not having its partner.
As it says in the Bible, “If one member of the body suffers so do the
rest.” Now I know just how true that is. Soon I was preparing for the next
hurdle. Wednesday came and I was in
hospital again. I had a vitrectomy which
meant removal of the jelly in my eye with the offending lens pieces. This went according to plan and I have been
back to the hospital this morning (Thursday) for a check-up and all is well,
but no lens in yet. I can see “men as
trees walking” now, which is an improvement.
The lens will be but in in about a month’s time. Meanwhile I have a strict regime of drops to
put in my eye, some six times a day, some four times and some two times. I will not be in a hurry to get the second
eye done but eventually I’m sure I will and hopefully that time will be
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