Having money tends to make you less reliant on God. But money is never to be trusted. It can disappear over night. However our heavenly Father can be depended upon at all times. I know what it is like to wish for a windfall of money, but it is such a foolish wish. I have enough so why want more? It is one of the big lies of the devil to make us think that money will bring us happiness. Keep trusting in God, He will never fail you.
When we lose a loved one it is natural to wonder how they are faring in the next life. I would warn against going to a medium to find out. At worst these people are charlatans after your money, the rest misguided or worse. We are told in the Bible not to try to reach the dead. The best person to call on in this situation is Jesus. That's right, go to the top. He is always available through prayer and doesn't make a charge. All he requires is that you look for him with all your heart. He has the answers to all of life's difficult questions.
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