Here I am an English woman of 64, on the internet trying to reach other people. What do I want to happen? Well I just want to give anyone searching for answers to their life, the answers I have found that work for me. I know that Jesus has been with me all my life taking me through the good times and the bad and never leaving me. Wouldn't you like a friend like that? If you ask Jesus to be your friend he will not turn you away. He has promised that in the Bible. But the whole point in having Jesus as your friend is so that he will deal with the sin in your life. There's an old fashioned word "sin". Don't worry about it, everyone has it in their life, yes even me!! It's just a part of human nature. We all have this problem and only Jesus can deal with it, take it away. Well you don't want to keep it do you? It's crippling your life and keeping you separated from God. Love you to add a comment below.Here's a story from the Bible about a wom...