I wonder how many of the elderly, which includes me, really
find any benefit from receiving the ten pound Christmas bonus? If the government were to channel the
millions that could be saved from this they could put it into the N.H.S. and
make a small but real difference. I do
not speak as a wealthy pensioner. No, I
am on pension credit. I have to say this
is perfectly adequate for my needs. I
even run a car. I don’t have a large
flat screen T.V. or smoke, or drink or gamble. I actually enjoy making ends
meet and am able to plan my first holiday abroad for next year.
I do wonder why the
N.H.S. stuffs us full of statins and then the politicians grumble about keeping
us all. I don’t take statins. Even
though my cholesterol level is fine and my blood pressure likewise I have been
offered statins by my doctor. I do take medication for other things but believe
it is best to avoid medicine if possible. There was an interesting programme on T.V. a
while ago, which I think was called “The doctor who didn’t believe in pills.” He took his older patients out for walks and found
their health improved markedly compared to those on pills. If only this was implemented countrywide,
think how the N.H.S. would recover too. But a solution like that is just too
simple to be taken seriously.
It seems to me the
N.H.S. is doomed in its present form. If
there is enough money for providing armaments and deterrents there surely
should be for the health of the country's citizens. I
only hope somebody is producing a sensible and coherent plan of what to do
next. These days there just seems to be
crisis management instead of planning.
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