Before we can have the good news we must have the bad
news. That is why the Bible begins with
Genesis. We have to read the account of
Adam and Eve’s behaviour in the Garden of Eden.
God their Creator had placed them in a beautiful place with a great variety
of fruit to live on. He told them they
must not eat the fruit from one tree only, the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil. So what did they do and what
would each one of us have done? They ate
that fruit. This was not some tiny
misdemeanour but wholesale rebellion against God. We all inherited their sin
and stood condemned at that moment, but God was not taken aback, He had already
made a plan of salvation. Centuries later His Son Jesus was born a human baby
at Bethlehem, fully God and fully man. He grew up and taught His followers the
way of salvation to be offered to all who would believe. He told Nicodemus
3:14 Just as31
Moses lifted up the serpent32
in the wilderness,33 so must the Son of Man be lifted up,34
3:15 so that everyone who
believes in him may have eternal life.”35
3:16 For
this is the way36 God loved the world: He gave his one and
Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish38
but have eternal life.39 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to
condemn the world,40 but that the world should be saved through
him. 3:18 The one who
believes in him is not condemned.41
The one who does not believe has been condemned42
already, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only43
Son of God.
Here we see that there is salvation for those who will
believe but not for those who won’t. Many of today’s churches are preaching a
cosy, fluffy religion where everyone is forgiven regardless of their response
to Jesus. The truth is harder for many
to stomach and they call for preachers who will give them what they want to
hear and they shun the truth. Truth is precious and we should not compromise
our beliefs to please others. It is Jesus whom we must please.
Quote from the Net Bible
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