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What or whom do we need saving from?

And so we continue looking at what salvation is.  We learned last time that sin is inherited from our ever so many great grandparents.  We also learned that the wages of sin is death.  Who is it that will bring up the question of our sin and mete out the wages? It is God Himself .  God demands that we should obey Him, that we should love Him with all our hearts and we fail miserably.  This is not some wicked tyrant but the holy righteous and perfect One who is our Maker.He deserves our love and is totally worthy of all our worship.  Think of the worship you give to your pop idol or sport's personality.  You don't even give God Almighty a little part of that. We all deserve God's wrath to come upon us.  None of us deserves anything else and yet God Himself has provided a way for us to be totally forgiven and brought back into fellowship with Him if we will come in the way He has provided. More tomorrow.


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