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Showing posts from July, 2014

Which is Worse Ebola or Sin?

We should not make light of the effects of Ebola.  It is a terrible illness and kills a high proportion of the people who get it, but sin is far worse.It affects 100% of the population.  Ebola kills the body, but sin, if not dealt with takes away eternal life.  There is a cure for sin but so few even try to find it.  The cure is trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Because He died on the cross all who trust in Him, without exception, are promised eternal life.  The cure is permanent and there are no relapses.Don't go on enjoying the pleasure of sin for they lead to eternal death.

I Am

In John's gospel we find seven statements by Jesus starting with "I am."  For instance "I am the bread of life."  Many preachers focus on the "bread" or "the light of the world" but it is very important to focus on the significance of the "I am" because when Jesus uses this He is stating that He is God.  In the story of Moses at the burning bush we find that God tells Moses His name.  Moses is to tell the Israelites that "I am" has sent him to them to bring them out of Egypt. At another time Jesus said to the Jewish rulers,"Before Abraham was, I am"  This looks like poor grammar to us but no Jesus is claiming to be the God who always is and has no beginning or end, or to put it another way He is alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. The Jews understood what He was claiming because they wanted to stone Him for blasphemy. So if anyone tries to tell you that Jesus never claimed to be God you will know now that...

Do not worry

This is not an easy thing to do.  We seem to be naturally prone to worry.  Jesus said that God knows what His children need.  He even notices when a little sparrow falls to the ground and dies and we are of much greater value than many sparrows.  I think it actually gets easier to not worry as time passes.  When I look back at my life I can see that things that worried me, actually turned out for my good. In fact life has steadily improved.  Each thing I worried about has turned out for the best.  So now if I worry I remind myself that God is my Father and I can trust Him to sort out my life for the best, His best.So do not worry but put your trust in Jesus.  This life is the preparation for the next when we will be with Jesus and see how our lives have been ordered for the best.

Ther hairs of your head

If you belong to God you are very precious to Him.  It says that He even knows how many hairs you have on your head.  Don't forget how precious you are to Him, after all He gave His only begotten son to die for you. In the Bible it says, "Fear not," 366 times, that's enough for every day of the year on a leap year. God knows that we will be fearful, but if we trust Him to know what is best for us we will gradually learn that we do not need to fear as long as we fear Him.  Our God is awesome. There is no accident or random event with Him.  We have to trust Him to bring about the best for His children.  God's providence reigns, it is just that some providences are more comfortable for us and so are hard to bear.  When we finally reach heaven we will discover that all our troubles in this life were but a pin prick compared to the glory we share with our Lord.  Fear not.

Difficult and Dangerous days

I am very blessed in that I live in a quiet backwater of the U.K. where we have peace and plenty, but I realize this might not be the same for some of you.  Being a christian in some parts of the world is indeed very dangerous.  However you must never forget that you are safe in the hands of our Father God.  Nothing can happen to you without God's knowledge, in fact He works all things together for good for you, if you belong to Him.  He knows the end from the beginning and will bring you through each trial until the day when you stand before Him in heaven and hear Him say,"Well done good and faithful servant.

What goes around comes around

My generation(baby boomers) clamoured to have abortion.  Now we are rapidly approaching old age and there are not enough young people to care for us or to pay the taxes to look after us.  This looks like natural justice.  If it wasn't for the much derided immigrants we wouldn't have enough carers already. It looks inevitable that medical treatments will be denied us as the NHS grinds to a halt. What other measure may be put in place I tremble to think. One thing is sure the situation cannot stay as it is. Will the generation that wanted abortion, end up being euthanased? What goes around comes around.

Comfort from 3000 years ago

Today I read the twenty third Psalm at a funeral.  How fascinating that this is 3000 years old and still brings comfort today.  "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want." Is He your shepherd? Then you can trust Him to take care of you no matter what life brings your way either good or bad. He knows your every circumstance and will be beside you, to help and comfort. Life can look very black with illness or bereavement but He knows it all and if you trust Him He will bring you through it all and lead you into green pastures and then to heaven to share eternity with Him.

What to tackle next?

I need your help.  Could you comment on this post and tell me some spiritual topics you would like me to write about.  When I say spiritual topic it could be looking at an everyday topic from a spiritual angle.  Perhaps there is something that worries you and you would like some advice. I would like to find answers for you in the Bible as my personal opinion is not likely to help. I have not written much here lately but would be greatly helped to do so if I knew what would help you. You can be anonymous if you choose.


Are you concerned about your physical health?  Do you exercise regularly and watch your diet?  How about your spiritual health?  This is going to be an eternal matter.  Your physical health will have a big impact on your life now but you need to have sorted out your spiritual well being, as this will decide where you will spend eternity.  In order to be accepted by God you need to be in Christ Jesus.  He can forgive your sins and no one else can.  You need him in your life if you are to be acceptable to God.  No matter how you try yourself you cannot please God outside of Jesus.  Ask Him on board now and make Him the captain of your life.