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Showing posts from December, 2012

A New Year Approaches

Do you face the new year with gloom in your heart? Are you worried by the world situation? If you have put your trust in Jesus you have nothing to fear. The worst that can be thrown at you in this time of uncertainty is only allowed by Him. He is in complete control and will see that each difficulty, each problem is so managed to bring about the very best for you. He reigns, His will is best and those who trust Him can never be put to shame.Face the future with confidence for Our God Reigns.

The twelve-year-old Jesus

On Sunday I will be speaking from the story of Jesus at twelve staying behind in Jerusalem to speak with the rabbis at the temple. What I will first point out is that Jesus is the sinless Son of God. If he is not we are all doomed and him with us. However I firmly believe that he is sinless and fully able to save all who will believe and put their trust in him. Having established that, we can look at the events and not fall into the trap of thinking that Jesus is a rebellious teenager, thoughtlessly causing his parents trouble. I believe he was at the centre of God's will in what he was doing and it was his parents who were thoughtlessly blundering in leaving without him and then finding it difficult to determine where he was. Keep in mind that Jesus is perfect and put your trust in him and you will be saved.

Wonderful Time

Why is Christmas such a dreadful time of the year for some people, that they commit suicide? It's a time that seems to promise all the joys of family life and yet there are many people who have grown away from their other family members, either on purpose or by accidents of life. Christmas has turned into a horribly money grubbing time of year. But Christmas is really about the wonder of God coming down to our world as a human baby. It is the beginning of the years of service and teaching of our Lord Jesus, which led to his sacrifice on Calvary where He died to forgive the sins of all who will believe in Him. Reach out to Him today and accept His forgiveness and you will find that He is the only family you really need.

Rich or Poor

Even those of us who are committed Christians can find ourselves attracted to wanting more wealth. I am an O.A.P in Britain and live on benefits, however I am still in the top 6% of the world for being rich. I have everything I need. I am rich beyond the dreams of the richest man in the world, because I have Jesus. With Him beside me and around me I need nothing else. He provides what I need when I need it. He is the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. So stop chasing the lottery and riches and seek after Jesus.

Those Two Imposters

How do you deal with triumph and disaster? I'm fairly good at dealing with the minor disasters that come into my life, but triumph is a craftier beast and fills our hearts with joy, when really we should realise that it is fickle and often false. We all prefer triumph but we learn more important lessons from disaster. We have to remember that the triumphs and disasters of this life are equally unimportant. What we need to concentrate on is the next life. This life is for a fleeting moment, the next will never end. Are you busy coping with triumph and disaster in this life, when you should be preparing for the next life? God requires perfection from us. This can only be achieved by putting our trust in Jesus and accepting his robe of righteousness. Perhaps my page about Justification by Faith will help you more.