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Showing posts from August, 2016

A human being is a human being

The disabled whether physically or mentally are still worthwhile human beings.   God decided that was the way they should be and they have a purpose.   They bring out the love in their families in a very special way.   Whoever said everyone had to be ultra fit and earn their keep.   We are not on this planet to run super economies we are here to help one another and learn from this process and some find God in it.   A shining example of triumph over disaster is the disabled boy from Russia who won their Kids Voice.   That boy sings with such passion born of the suffering he has endured.   I recommend you listen to him on You Tube.   He is an inspiration.   His name is Danil Pluzhnikov. And yet Hitler would have killed him undoubtedly. I fear many of our politicians would like to be rid of all who cannot work, whether from disability or old age.   After all they think what a boost to the economy with no pensions to find or benefi...

When does human life begin?

When a sperm is separate from the egg we can know for certain that life has not begun, but once the sperm enters the egg and the genetic material combines, who is in a position to say that a human life has not begun?   For me that means that early abortion is not the right thing.   Human life is precious from its outset.   Late abortions are simply killing an unborn baby.   How have we become so hardened as to do this or allow it without protest? The Christian church should be speaking out against this horror of wholesale killing of the next generation. But then the Christian church is not what it was.   It pussy foots around all difficult areas in order not to upset people.   I abhor myself for doing so little against this mass murder. It seems to me that abortion is always encouraged without a proper look at an alternative.   I understand there are many childless couples who would love to adopt, but there is a shortage of babies. The mother ...

What really matters

In my last post I got all political, but politics is not what really interests me.   Obviously what the politicians do affects all of our lives but we need to remember it is our eternal destiny that matters.   The Bible tells us that God put those in authority over us and we should pray for them.   They are there to reward good people and punish the bad.   Of course it doesn’t always seem that way to us.   I do not believe in the divine right of kings.   Kings in the past have treated this as a licence to do as they pleased.   Those in authority will one day have to stand before God and give an account of how they have ruled.   Christians who have oppressive people in power over them should still pray for them and trust God to make things right. We forget how great our God is and that His ways are not our ways.   His will is never thwarted for He turns awful things out, to bring Him glory and brings His children to eventual complete ...

David Cameron’s Big Mistake

One of the biggest blunders David Cameron, the then Prime Minister of Britain, made in relation to the referendum, about staying in orleaving Europe, was to bring Barack Obama over to tell us what to do. For the ordinary man in the street, the ones Cameron does not understand, this was like a red flag to a bull.   Obama, with veiled threats told us it was vital for us to stay in Europe.   The ordinary man reacted in a knee jerk way saying,     ”Who does he think he is telling us what to do?   I hadn’t made up my mind how to vote, but now I will vote “leave.” Suddenly the little man found he really had a chance to make a difference.   He was not voting for a party just like all the other parties with nothing much to choose between them, no he was voting in a big decision between two very different policies, to stay in or to leave Europe. This wasn’t voting for a politician he did not trust whichever side they came from.   Most likely for some it was ...

I meet new friends

Today I drove my car to the village where I could catch the bus to Exeter.   In Britain retired people can travel free on the buses!! In Exeter I had a small meal for lunch.   I looked around a few shops but resisted buying anything because now I am on a mission to save enough money to go to Russia next year.   It’s amazing what you can do without when you have a special purpose.   The whole purpose of my journey was to meet members of the Exeter/Yaroslavl Twinning Association.   They were to meet in the museum.   I am one of those people who cannot bear to be late for anything, so I got there very early and browsed through the museum’s exhibits. I arrived at the museum cafe designated as the meeting place about ten minutes early and kept prowling through until at last I saw some ladies putting two tables together and I guessed they must be members and so I approached them and yes they were members of the Association.   Eventually there were a...