The disabled whether physically or mentally are still worthwhile human beings. God decided that was the way they should be and they have a purpose. They bring out the love in their families in a very special way. Whoever said everyone had to be ultra fit and earn their keep. We are not on this planet to run super economies we are here to help one another and learn from this process and some find God in it. A shining example of triumph over disaster is the disabled boy from Russia who won their Kids Voice. That boy sings with such passion born of the suffering he has endured. I recommend you listen to him on You Tube. He is an inspiration. His name is Danil Pluzhnikov. And yet Hitler would have killed him undoubtedly. I fear many of our politicians would like to be rid of all who cannot work, whether from disability or old age. After all they think what a boost to the economy with no pensions to find or benefi...