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Showing posts from December, 2014

Are you a scientist?

Are you a good scientist who looks at all the negatives that prove you wrong, as well as enjoying the positives?  Are you seeking to please those who will give you your next research grant? Are you brave enough to tell the truth?   If you are not a scientist what is your attitude to them?  Do you really believe they are always right just because they are scientists? Scientists are men and women just like you and me.  They are fallible and have their own agenda. We all enjoy it when our peers compliment us and scientists are no different. Most scientists will not even consider that intelligent design is a possibility as a reason for life on earth.  Why? Because they know of scientists who have been thrown out of the scientific community for raising this possibility.  The creationist world has brought up many possibilities that agree with their beliefs but the scientists will not even enter into dialogue with them. They choose to blank out all the proofs of ...

I've been reading Darwin

I've been reading Darwin "On the origin of species."  It's good to read the side of the story you don't believe.  It's only fair and I hope those of you who believe in the theory of evolution, will do as I have done, and read the creationist's side of things.  There is plenty of creationist material on the internet.  We creationists like to take a scientific approach and look at all sides before making our minds up.  Many of you out there are just trusting the evolutionists and assuming they must be right, just because they are labelled "Scientist."  It's time you woke up and looked at both sides and made you own mind up.   Just a couple of observations on Darwin.  He speaks a lot about pigeons being bred to became pouters or tumblers etc. but he doesn't seem to realise that there were humans making the decisions about the cross breeding.  If you visit Trafalgar Square you will find it "peopled" by ordinary run of the mill pig...

Did Jesus come to be our example of how to live?

Well, yes, but first things first.  He came to be the Saviour of His people and there is no way we can follow His example unless we have asked Him to forgive our sins.  Once we have done that all things become possible.  It is utterly futile to try to follow the example of Jesus unless you have the power of His Spirit and the Spirit comes when we confess our sins and ask for God's forgiveness which is possible because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.Who are His people?  All those who come to Him for forgiveness.  Jesus said, "Whoever comes to me I will not cast out."

Where you are now

Are you in a place you want to be?  Or is life difficult.  If you are trusting in Jesus you can be sure He has put you where you are and for a good reason.  Don't struggle just trust.  You may not be able to see a good reason why you are where you are, but there surely is one.  You may be about to get out of this situation and into something more amenable, but make sure you wait for God's timing for you to change.

You have not chosen me

Jesus said to His disciples, "You have not chosen me ,but I have chosen you." Why do Christians rebel against this statement.  If Jesus has done the choosing there is great assurance in that, because He will never change His mind and we are safe in Him.  If we have done the choosing we have cause to worry because we are fallible and fickle and might change our minds. Look at Ephesians chapter 1 for more about God choosing His people.  Be safe relying on Jesus.  Adam and Eve had free will, and look what they did with it. Abandon your free will and trust in Jesus.

Who is this Christmas baby?

Although Jesus is the son of a peasant girl in Palestine He is also King of kings and Lord of lords. Jesus has been born for a purpose and is God the Son.  This is not a cozy story of shepherds and kings visiting.  The shepherds were told, "Today 33 your Savior is born in the city 34 of David. 35 He is Christ 36 the Lord. 2:12 This 37 will be a sign 38 for you: You will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a manger.” 3 Net Bible.  A Saviour saves from disaster and the disaster was the sin of Adam and Eve that had been passed on to all humankind.  This is serious business. Jesus must represent humans and yet also be God for His sacrifice on the cross to be effective in saving His people.  Who are His people?  they are the ones He has chosen , all who will put them trust in Him and lean on Him alone for their salvation.   The kings brought presents that represented derious things in Jesus's life.  The gold because He was k...

Was Mary sinless?

First let me quote Mary's words as recorded in Luke's gospel.  I am using the Net Bible translation.   1:46 And Mary 146 said, 147 “My soul exalts 148 the Lord, 149 1:47 and my spirit has begun to rejoice 150 in God my Savior, 1:48 because he has looked upon the humble state of his servant. 151 For 152 from now on 153 all generations will call me blessed, 154 1:49 because he who is mighty 155 has done great things for me, and holy is his name; 1:50 from 156 generation to generation he is merciful 157 to those who fear 158 him. 1:51 He has demonstrated power 159 with his arm; he has scattered those whose pride wells up from the sheer arrogance 160 of their hearts. 1:52 He has brought down the mighty 161 from their thrones, and has lifted up those of lowly position; 162 1:53 he has filled the hungry with good things, 163 and has sent the rich away empty. 164 1:54 He has helped his servant Israel, remembering 165 his mercy, 166 1:5...

My Sheep hear my Voice

Jesus said that His children would hear His voice and follow Him.  They would not follow a stranger.  This is how we know we are His children when we hear His voice and follow Him.   If we are not |His children we will be totally disinterested in listening to His voice.  Often a Christian will be down cast and fear that they do not belong to the shepherd. Those who do not belong have no fears of this kind, they are totally disinterested in the good shepherd. So be encouraged, if you want to follow the shepherd it is because He has put that desire in your heart and He will draw you to Himself where you will be safe forever.