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Showing posts from July, 2013

Not Rich?

Having money tends to make you less reliant on God.  But money is never to be trusted.  It can disappear over night.  However our heavenly Father can be depended upon at all times.  I know what it is like to wish for a windfall of money, but it is such a foolish wish.  I have enough so why want more?  It is one of the big lies of the devil to make us think that money will bring us happiness.  Keep trusting in God, He will never fail you.

It's raining

It's raining in Britain today and somewhere some one is moaning about it.  They are forgetting how they found it hard to tolerate the heatwave we had and they are moaning.  But I am not moaning.  The rain makes the crops grow and the grass for the animals.  God has blessed us with rain and I am thankful to Him who gives all good things. How many people in arid climes would love to have our rain.

For The Wives of Henry VIII

A fair and dazzling picture my eyes behold; A damsel dressed in cloth of gold. Right daintily she lifts her feet, A diamond round her neck so neat And pearls be-deck her hair; Golden locks combed with such care . A bride fit for a king. Why she can even sing! Such attributes hath this maid; Her charms will never fade. For she is well-spoken in word and wit. To be a king's bride, most fit. But now behold the king's visage is darkened. He turns away where once he hearkened. This once lovely maid is tossed aside And now is taken by a guide To a place where the scaffolds stand. Now is brought low which once was grand. She  loses her head. This once treasured maid is dead.

It's A wonderful Life

Today I had a great time.  I took a friend to the local town to do shopping.  We had lovely weather all day.  I bought groceries.  Lots of fruit and vegetables as I am on a diet.  So far I have lost 8 pounds in about 10 weeks.  It's best to lose weight slowly as if you go too quickly it's liable to go back on. We had a lovely drive there and back in beautiful countryside.  We are so fortunate to live where we do.  God has indeed blessed us. In the afternoon I walked in the same stunning beauty, with a friend.  We were walking for an hour.  Great company.  This continued as another friend came to see me.  It was her birthday.  In the evening we went out for a meal with five other friends.  We had a very pleasant time at a restaurant at our local airdrome.  We saw lots of planes taking off and landing and a few parachutists coming in too. I haven't had a girl's night out like that for a long time. We came back and...

Royal Baby

Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the safe arrival of their son.  In many ways this baby is no different from any other baby in that he needs love and care, but of course, he is marked out as special because of the traditions of our land.  His pathway to becoming the monarch will be mapped out for him and he will always be the object of public attention. Hopefully he will have a happy private life and grow up to be wise and strong, with the welfare of his people at heart. May he be blessed with faith in God and lead his people in the paths of righteousness.

Typical Audience Figures

Russia 80 United States 59 United Kingdom 16 Ukraine 15 Sweden 8 Germany 6 Canada 3 Netherlands 3 Poland 2 France               1           A fairly typical set of audience figures for my blog. Often United States takes the top position, but the others are typical.  I'm glad to be reaching out to each one of you and hope I bring some help and enlightenment into your lives.  New post soon.

Let the People Live

I lie in my mother's belly, thought of as just a lump of jelly, but I'm not, I have arms and legs and a backbone.  My DNA  is all present and correct.  I have the potential to be a pianist, or a doctor, or even a scientist.  So much potential, but they've tested me and found I have tunnel vision.  Well big deal, I could live with that.  Far better than being ushered off the stage of live the moment I've got here. You know my Gran has tunnel vision and do you know what, she is such a fantastic lady.  She's lived a good fulfilling life and is now in her 70's.  Yes she is partially sighted but you would be amazed what she can do.  Her tunnel vision didn't affect her early years and that would be the same for me if I was only allowed to live. Why can't I be given the same chance at life that she had? Why must I be killed like this? Do you understand why?

Another Poem

I love to write of Jesus’ love The holy One Who came from above. He took my sin He paid the toll. He set free my guilty soul. How can I praise His name enough? The One who brings me through the rough. I want to praise Him Here below And then in glory’s realms ‘Tis my goal To hymn His Name And praise Him so.

Its Hot But I Want To Say Thank You.

Here in Britain it is hot. Everyone had been longing for some sunshine after several wet Summers. But a week into the lovely weather people began moaning and wanting rain. Such ingratitude. There are plenty of ways to keep cool. So I want to buck the trend and say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the loving heavenly Father who provides everything good for us. It's not God's fault if we haven't the sense to take shelter. If you have a shower you can cool down there. I've just taken a shower and washed my hair and am sitting by an open window and eating frozen raspberries. It's a glorious summer and I want to celebrate it. I feel a poem coming on. After winter's mist and fog and rain At last we have summer sun To ripen the grain. From sun-baked hill I see the scene below Green and gold Everything aglow. Why are we mortals so contrary We ask for sun And then become all wary. We cannot take this heat. In Britain we are in retreat. We have such strange and ch...


I know nothing about the situation in Detroit and I'm sure it's no worse than a lot of other places, but I do know that so many people are spiritually bankrupt. We have turned our backs on God and instead of treating Him with the respect such a holy God deserves we have turned our backs and got on with our lives without His interference. We are in for a big shock God will not allow this situation to continue. Turn back to Him before it is too late. Repent and throw away all the things you worship in this life. They are all worthless. Turn back to the wonderful God who made you. Put your trust in Jesus the only Saviour. Turn back and live and inherit the riches in Jesus then no earthly bankruptcy will be able to harm you.

Lovely weather

In Britain we are having a time of lovely weather, but being British we are already moaning about the excessive heat and wondering when some rain will come. It is hot but I am determined to enjoy it. I have a fan in my bedroom so that helps me sleep. The countryside looks glorious and I have been enjoying lots of walks. This is helping me to lose weight. This morning I got up early to finish writing my sermon for Sunday. I don't like to leave it till the last minute. I visited a friend who has just had her gall bladder removed and encouraged her with her studies in becoming a Methodist Local Preacher. So today I am just giving you a little glimpse into my day to day life. I have been blessed today and I hope you have too.

Would you like to see my Poems?

Below is the link to my latest poems on Squidoo. I have lots of other pages there. I love writing poetry. I began as a child writing for the school magazine. Through adult hood I would occasionally write but not very much. When I was training to be a local preacher with the Methodist church in Britain I had to write some meditations and this is when I got back into writing poetry. I then challenged myself to write a poem a day for a year. These are also on Squidoo. I hope you will explore my poems and enjoy them too. Exploring Poetry


You put so much effort into life, but what is your chief priority? Don't you think you should put some effort into finding out if there is a God? Because if there is and you are ignoring Him, you're in deadly trouble. You won't be able to ignore Him forever, one day you will have to meet Him. Unless you have Jesus in your life you will be unable to meet His gaze.Then it will be too late. Now if you search after God with all your heart you will find Him, but if you leave it till later it will be too late.

Andy Murray's Triumph

It is great, after all those years to have a British man win at Wimbledon. Murray, himself said that he will never top this. All sport's men and women have a relatively short life in their sports because of the physical nature of sport. Sport requires them to be at the peak of fitness. We love to watch these people win and enjoy the sports for ourselves at a very different level. These sport's men and women need good advice to prepare them for the time when they are no longer able to perform at a high level. Always we need to remember that the spiritual in life is so important. This life is short, we need to prepare for the next.

Do You Want To Be A Millionaire?

I live in Great Britain, a prosperous part of the world. Here I am considered to be poor, but I don't feel poor. I have everything I need and am content with what I have. I enjoy "making ends meet." But the greatest secret of my contentment is that I know Jesus. As I have him, what more could I possibly want? This attitude is summed up in some words of the apostle Paul. In 1 Timothy 6 verse 6 he says,"Now godliness with contentment is great gain." I am not holy myself but I have Jesus and He gives me His holiness. You will never find contentment in money or the things it can buy, instead come to Jesus and receive the contentment He gives all who put their trust in Him.

Glorious Weather

I live in England and yes, sometimes we get the most glorious weather. Today I sat in the garden with friends. We were under sunshades and umbrellas so that we didn't get burnt. It was a very pleasant time. Last evening I walked with a friend up on the hill above our village.What wonderful views on every side. It is at times like these that we find it easy to thank and worship God, but we should also do it when times are difficult. He is a wonderful God at all times.

Is God Calling You?

Do you feel bad about the way you live? God is calling you. Do you keep meeting people who talk about Jesus? God is calling you. Do you wish you could have all the bad things about you washed away? God is calling you. If you will search after Him with all your heart He promises you will find Him.Jesus died so that those who believe will have their sins washed away. Do you have faith to believe? God has given you that faith. We are totally dependent on Jesus, there is nothing we can do for ourselves. Just lean on him.


What does success mean to you? Is it winning the Grand Prix or Wimbledon? Is it having a high powered job with lots of money? Or do you have to be content with watching those who are successful while you can only manage a hum drum life. Is that sort of success really all it's cracked up to be? One thing is certain about those successful people their prowess will lessen with the years and just like the rest of us they will die. So should we be putting all our energies into getting a slice of this world's fame? Or should we be considering the next life? Are you ready to meet God? He is all powerful and total goodness. How can such a being accept us when we are so lacking in goodness and totally unable to meet His requirements? It sounds like a black future for us all. But Jesus has lived the perfect life that God accepts and He promises to share his righteousness with us if we will come to Him and put our trust in Him. He is the only way to God the Father. Will you p...

Blinded by Science

Don't let the scientists fool you. They know very little about how our world and our bodies work. How many times have you heard them categorically state something is so and then a few years later they tell us they got it all wrong and something else is the case.Trust your own set of values and stick to them. If you feel something is wrong stick to your guns and say so. As they say, for evil to succeed it just needs good men to stay silent.

First they came

Martin Niemoller's quote can be found below. When they brought in abortion we muttered amongst ourselves but we did not speak out. Now thousands of young people who could have supported us in our old age are not here because we did not speak out. Having shown a complete disregard for the unborn child society will find it easy to deal with the problem of too many elderly, who are a burden on society and those who would have spoken out on our behalf are the young people whom we allowed to go to death as they were just beginning their journey of life.Niemoller's quote says it all. First they came

Three Parent Babies (2)

I have some questions about this procedure. Do the women who donate the eggs know that those eggs will be fertilized and the resulting baby discarded? Also is there a problem with rejection when the couple's baby is moved into the empty egg shell? Is it possible that some of the "bad" mitochondria could be transferred with the embryo baby? It is always good to think about these things and their implications and not to accept what the scientist says simply because they are scientists. Scientists are fallible people like the rest of us and often over step the mark of what is acceptable to God. Scientists are often motivated by what acclaim they can have, rather than what is ethical. It is the law of God that matters not the ethics of a secular society.