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Showing posts from June, 2013

Three Parent Babies

Today in Britain it has been announced that scientists will be able to go ahead with work to produce babies which have three parents. This is proposed to give mothers who have mitochondria which produce diseased or handicapped children, a chance to have children using the greater part of their genes, but with the pro-nuclei removed and placed in an embryo from a donor woman which has healthy mitochondria . In fact a fourth parent is also involved as the donor egg has to be fertilised. The donor embryo (and who is the sperm donor for this? Of course it could be the second parent) as I was saying the donor embryo has the nuclei, the part containing most of the gene material,discarded. A perfectly healthy human being is discarded; of course with the experimenting in this area which has obviously already gone on, many little human beings have been discarded already. I believe that a human being is present from the moment of conception. A God given human being and we will be cal...

Do you Have a Good Job?

A nice house? A pretty wife? Two lovely kids? The Bible says "What good is it if you have the whole world and lose your soul?" Having lots in this life is no good unless you have your eternal situation sorted. To gain eternal life you have to have Jesus in your life, Only He can give you eternal life. Jesus, God the Son died to bring salvation to all His children. Now is the time to repent for all your sins and put your trust in Jesus. All those things you have are good things, but you need Jesus more.

Into the Future

When we get up each day we may have a plan for the day. We may think we know what will happen. However we do not know. A routine we have mapped out for ourselves may suddenly be broken into by the unexpected. If you have Jesus in your life you are secure and the way ahead is exciting and safe in Him, but if you walk alone the future can be terrifying. Will you ask Jesus to help you through the future? One day you will have to meet God, a truly terrifying experience, unless you have Jesus with you. The only safe way to meet God is wearing the robe of righteousness that Jesus gives those who trust in Him.

Whistle Blower: Benefactor or Spy?

What does it take to be a whistle blower? It would be easy to just tow the line and keep your nose clean. It takes guts to be a whistle blower. Seeing things at work which are not right vexes the conscience of the whistle blower and this reaches a point which he can no longer tolerate. He has to tell the world. Sometimes the whistle blower is hailed as a hero and sometimes he is called a spy. Would you have the guts to be a whistle blower?

Are you ready to meet God?

God is totally holy and good and you and I are not. He will not tolerate sin. We are in a terrible situation because one day we will all have to meet God. Are you ready? There is only one way to get right with God and be accepted by Him. That is to put our only confidence in Jesus and his death on the cross. You can never earn enough brownie points on your own to reach God, Jesus is the only way. Don't turn away and say you will think about it later. You might not have a later, you might die tonight. Are you ready?

Is Your Mind on God or on Money?

As Christians we should have our mind set on pleasing God. The tokens we get at the supermarket for cash back on certain goods, or tokens to save and get some bargain range of kitchen ware, distract us and keep our minds on money. If we belong to God we do not have the time for these distractions. Your father knows what you need and He will provide that for you. Don't be side-tracked into worrying about money, you have important work to do, you are to spread the message of His love, for His chosen ones from all over the world, from every tribe and nation. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Is the Old Testament only Relevant To Jewish People?

In many churches today the Old Testament is side lined, mainly because God is perceived here, by them to be a God of retribution. Before we can have the gospel message we have to know God is holy and cannot look upon sin. We have to know what we need saving from. However, the Old Testament God, who never changes, is also seen in the Old Teastament as a God of mercy and loving kindness. He is also the God who is available to the non-Jew, the gentile. Rahab the Canaanite is welcomed into the tribes of Israel. Naaman, the Syrian is healed of leprosy and becomes a true believer in the God of Israel. Ruth follows Naomi from Moab and marries Boaz. Always the gentile is welcomed into the care of God. I am a gentile and so are many of you the world over. Put your trust in Jesus, call to him for salvation. No country is outside his power to save. If you search for him with all your heart, you will find him.

Weight Loss

I am following a system to lose weight. This includes exercise. I'm not huge, but a bit too cuddly. Is this something a christian should bother about? In 1Timothy 4: 8 we read,"Physical training is of some value." So looking after your body is of some importance, but Paul goes on to say,"But godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." If we spend hours on our physical well being and neglect the spiritual side we will one day come a cropper when we realise we have toned our bodies and neglected the part of us that will continue after the body is dead and gone. We need to get right with God before it is too late.

How Should You Treat the One You Love?

Well you will want to be with them as often as possible. To speak with them. To read their letters or emails. You will want to talk about them to other people, whether they know them or not. So how does this look when your loved one is Jesus. You will want to spend time with Him, talking to Him (prayer) and listening to Him(reading the Bible); talking to others about Him. He has done so much for us and often we just ignore Him. How dreadful.

Who is the Darling of my Heart?

Why? Who else but King Jesus? He died for me while I was still a sinner. He first taught me to know Him when I was a little girl. He has faithfully stayed with me all through my life even when I was wandering away. I was not faithful but He always was and is. Wouldn't you too like a friend like this? If you will come to him to have your sin forgiven He will not turn you away. You are totally dependent on him and need Him to draw you too Him. Without Him we are all bankrupt before God.Therre is no other way to be accepted in God's presence.

Do you love God?

In Deuteronomy 6:5 We are told ,"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength." Do you love God or does someone or something take your love, the love that you should have for God. All my life since the age of seven I have tried to love God, but I had a problem which got in the way. I have only in recent years realized what this problem was. I have been worshipping people in my life. At school I would get a crush on the teachers, but this carried on into adult life. I would fall madly in love with the doctor or the pastor. This was a terrible affliction which I enjoyed, not realizing that I was worshipping these people. Eventually one of these crushes led to the break down of my marriage. Fairly recently God showed me the true nature of these crushes, I was giving His rightful worship to humans. I repented and have been released from this problem. Do you "worship the ground" someone walks on. Beware y...


Is there someone in your life who you need to forgive? Forgiveness is never easy, even God forgiving His children was not easy; it required the death of Jesus taking our sin upon himself. God's beloved Son died for us. So we cannot expect it to be easy for us to forgive one another, but it is vital that we do. In the prayer Jesus taught his disciples it says,"Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us." So we need to forgive if we are to be forgiven. When you forgive you do not have a warm fuzzy feeling, instead all the nasty feelings stay around for a while, but it is possible by an act of will, with God's help, to forgive. Don't be distressed when you don't feel good about it, just take that step of forgiving even though your feelings don't go along with it. Eventually you will feel the healing of spirit that forgiveness brings.

Who is in charge of your life?

Do you feel you are in charge of your life? Have you got your progress all mapped out? What will you do if things don't go the way you want? Have you considered that in the final analysis your life is in God's hands? You need to go along with what he plans for you and not resist Him. I wanted to get a music degree when I was in my twenties. I went to university but had bouts of depression and two years later left that all behind. I did gain a teaching diploma for the violin and taught that until retirement, but I could not teach music as a subject in school. I didn't spend a lot of time regretting it, but got on with what I felt God wanted me to do. If you can only stop resenting God's change of plan for you, you can soon find what He plans is far more fulfilling. God's way for you is the best way.


If you like what you read on my blog here perhaps you would like to read more of my writings. I have been writing on Squidoo for more than four years now. Squidoo is a great site and there are lots of topics covered there by lots of people. It's a great place. I have written lots of poetry there and also written about the Christian faith in greater depth. Below is the link to take you there. I hope you find it really useful and helpful. There are Bible stories in a series I call Interesting Bible People. It's great if you want to brush up the facts on Bible characters, especially if you are a Sunday School teacher. So if you like me here you will like me there. My Squidoo Pages

Who Can Come to Jesus?

First we have to know why we need Jesus. He is the only one sent to die for his people so that our sins might be forgiven and we could once again find acceptance by God. Who are God's children? They are from all kinds of backgrounds, colour and ethnicity. Many of them have been brought up in various religions and even many who are brought up in Christianity may prove not to be his children. It is only by God's grace, his free gift that we become his children. He calls us and then gives us the gift of faith by which we put our trust in him. I am delighted that this blog reaches all over the world. Because of this I can urge you to put your trust in Jesus. If you do this I look forward to meeting you either in this world or more likely in the next. Jesus says,"Come unto me and I will give you rest." Do you hear him calling you? Search after him until you find him. He promises that if you search with all your heart you will find him.

Believing the Bible is not Compatible withe Accepting Evolution

Many Christians accept evolution as fact. It is not fact but a competing religious belief. Many Christians just roll over and accept evolution. This is the lazy way out. You need to look at the plentiful material on the internet and really work at seeing if evolution is as proven as its proponents state. I have just starting reading Darwin's Origin of the species to get a picture of what started this whole movement. This is an important matter. Quite honestly if I became a believer in evolution and you told me this is how God made the world, I wouldn't want to believe in such a God. But I believe my Bible and believe in a God who made all things good at the beginning. Then Adam and Eve rebelled and let sin and death into this world. Almighty God had a plan to rescue us from this situation. Jesus came to die for his people. One day there will be a new heaven and a new earth, with no more death and sin and crying.

Life is Busy

You may have wondered where I had gotten to this week. Well I've been keeping busy. I've been playing short mat bowling, playing with my grandson, going to the optician and taking a friend to the station. Also going to various meetings. sometimes life gets so busy there isn't time to talk on the internet, but here I am again. I'm having a little trouble with my right-hand middle finger, it's sticking in the closed fist position and I have to ease it open. A few months ago the doctor injected it with something and it worked properly for a while, but now it is sticking again, so I guess I need to go visit him again. Life is too bust to have a finger that doesn't work.