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Showing posts from January, 2013

Are you a disheartened Christian?

It is so easy to lose heart these days when so many terrible things are happening in the world. But if we are trusting Jesus he will never fail us. We know that all power is given to him. He died for us and now he reigns for us. He is preparing a place where we can be with him forever. But also he has not turned his back on us. He knows our situation and he understands when we are in low spirits. He tells us to come to him and he will give us rest. We may feel under-valued in this world but we are of such worth to him that he died for us. He spoke of how God even cares about the birds and we are of far more value to God than that. When times get tough we must look up to Jesus for our salvation is drawing near.

Going Viral

I’ve just been reading an article about what makes a blog go viral. I’ve got one advantage from what I have read, I’m a woman. But so far I’ve been writing little short, pithy blogs and going viral mostly happens to longer blogs. Why would I want to go viral? I would like to go viral because I write about knowing God and I want more people to find Him and worship Him in spirit and in truth as He deserves to be worshipped. I am a Local Preacher in the Methodist Church in Britain and my congregations average about twenty people each Sunday. With my blog I could reach millions of people and surely many of them want to hear about the Christian God who sent Jesus to die, so that anyone, throughout the whole world, who will put their trust in Him will be saved, have their wrong doing cleansed away and be ready and fit to spend eternity with Creator God. The Christian God isn’t just for white people, He is for anyone who will turn to Him. He isn’t just for respectable people but for...

Snow in Britain

We don't get snow very often in the south of Britain, but when we do everything stops. Now and again God stops what we are doing so that He can have our attention. Are you going to listen to Him, or turn away and try to struggle on without Him. Much better to let Him into your life and change it for the better. God promises to forgive all who come to Him by way of Jesus, who died so that all who believe will be forgiven.

Poems of Loss

When you lose a loved one it is not always easy to express how you feel. I have put together a page on Squidoo, full of poems and Bible readings to help you let your emotions flow freely. Many people have expressed their appreciation of this page, so you might find it helpful too. Just click on the blue letters below and you will be taken straight to this page. If you would like you can vote in some places and leave comments in others. Poems of Loss

Jimmy So-Vile

Why are we surprised that a celebrity should be abusing children? We all have a sinful nature, that wants what it is told it cannot have. When we are brought up with love and discipline in equal measure we learn to live reasonably decent lives, but if we become celebrities this work can become undone and then we will live selfishly, taking what we like, with no regard to anyone else and trusting in our celebrity to shield us from suspicion. Society generally prefers to turn a blind eye when abuse has taken place. Today’s world does not believe in original sin which touches us all. We like to think we are decent people. However we are all capable of great wickedness and can only be rescued from this as we put our trust in Jesus.

Britain in Financial Trouble

Just like everywhere else in the world Britain is in financial trouble. Anyone with half an eye open could see that this must come. You don't get anything for nothing, but for decades we have been encouraged to live on credit. I have a friend on benefits who has an overdraft. Whatever was the bank thinking of giving him this. How will he pay it back? I am on benefits but am an OAP and probably won't be affected by today's freezing of certain benefits. God has gifted me with an ability to manage my finances wisely. I do have a credit card but usually pay it off in full every month, it is just a convenient way to pay. I have learnt to live within my means. I am happy to make my clothes last many years and keep my heating bills at a reasonable level. When we hanker after things in a greedy way we are taking what is God's rightful worship away from Him and giving it to the object of our desire. Once you see greed in that light, as a Christian you should turn fro...

House Owning

In Britain in the sixties Mrs Thatcher persuaded vast numbers of people to buy their own homes. However, when you have a mortgage you are just duped into thinking you own your house. The bank owns it and if you hit monetary difficulties you can lose your house and have nothing to show for your hard work. Also you can only afford the mortgage if both partners work. This necessitates paying for a nursery or child minder and means that your family is fragmented. Your children deserve to have the full attention of their mother, but "owning" a house robs them of this. No wonder our society is in a mess when our families are being fragmented in this way. Let's give a cheer for home schoolers who do their best to build their families strongly, which leads to a strong society.

Did you make a New Year's resolution?

Some people make New Year's resolution, but how long does it take before they break them. We humans are a fickle lot and often can't keep the easiest of promises. God is not like that, He always keeps His promises. He promises that if we search for Him with all our heart we will find Him. He has promised us forgiveness if we put our trust in Jesus and what He has done by dying on the cross. He has made the only way back to fellowship with God. Make it your resolution this year to search after God with all your heart, strength and mind.