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Showing posts from November, 2012


When it comes down to it abortion is humans killing a new precious little life. Many argue that the fetus, as they call it, and the baby,as I see it, is not viable until a certain stage. This is nonsense. The baby is designed to survive because it is in the protection of its mother's womb. Most abortions are intefering with this natural sequence of events that leads to the birth of a precious new child. We are all conned by cries of,"What about the mother's rights?" The baby should have equal rights with the mother. Most abortions these days are not on medical grounds but because the mother wants a convenient life or she is frightened and not given the help she should be given to take another way forward in the situation. At one end of a hospital we have women having abortions and at the other women having fertility treatment. There are also far more people wanting to adopt than there are babies put up for adoption. So called medical reasons for abort...

Veteran's Day

In Britain we call it Remembrance Day. I guess we are all remembering the men and women who died in all the wars since the First World War. We owe a debt to people who died for our freedom. But there is One, Jesus Christ, who has given His life so that all who believe in Him might be rescued eternally, rescued to dwell with God forever, in love and peace and joy. We must never forget what He did for us. He died that our sin could be forgiven. Only He could do it. Only He could live up to God's requirement of perfection. May we ever worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Warm Gifts for Granny

Granny's are wonderful people and deserve a special gift at Christmas to thank them for all they have done for the welfare of their family. Below is the link to my page of gifts to keep Granny warm. Any woman would appreciate these gifts, especially if the electric has an outage.A Granny needs cherishing, so make sure you give yours a special gift this year. 10 Gifts to Keep Granny Warm This Winter.  I'm afraid this page is no longer available.

A New Venture

Over the past week I've discovered how to record myself reading my own poetry and upload it to the internet. You can hear me on my Squidoo page "Poems of Loss" for which you will find a link at the bottom of this post. This adds a new dimension to my poetry as now you can hear how I intend it to sound.There are also places where I have links to Bible passages which I have read. There are two in "Justification by Faith." I hope you will visit these pages and enjoy them. Poems of Loss Justification by Faith

Recreation and the Christian

Today I've spent most of the day at a bowls tournament with two of my friends. Is this what I should be doing? As a Christian should I be using my time to play a "silly" game. There was a time in the past when I was playing very frequently. There is a danger in letting something like this take over our lives, when probably we should be doing something else. It is all a matter of our attitude to the game. If it is an occasional pastime there is no problem. In fact it is a chance to meet with other people whom we pray for. We should have a good attitude to winning and losing and as Kipling would say "treat those two imposters just the same." We should be gracious whether we win or lose. Yes, we do need recreation, but we must not let it take over our lives. See the link below to see what is involved in this game of skill. Short Mat Bowls

Easy Life?

Life isn't about having an easy time. We are here to find God and that means hard work. We are here to grow and develop. If we are already committed to God it is our job to tell others about Him and help them find Him. Of course, really it is God who finds us.We are the lost ones. Are you looking for God? He promises that if you seek with all your heart you will find Him.

Good People

Sometimes when a good person dies in a disaster it is God taking them out of a situation that is going to get worse. Some good has been found in them and they are being spared a worsening situation. If you look up 1 King 14 you will find this was the case with Abijah. He was the only one of his family to die peacefully, because there had been some good found in him by God. If we put our trust in Jesus we will not only have some good, but in fact, perfection; when we are clothed with Christ's robe of righteousness.