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Showing posts from October, 2009

Weekend coming

Tomorrow I'm off to Torquay for the weekend with other folks from my circuit.I'm sure we will have a good time. I'm looking forward to a break from the PC, much as I love it.I will tell you all about the week end when I get back. Before I forget my latest assignment for section B of Faith and Worship gained a mark of 65 from my tutor. That is much more encouraging. Now here is a link to see some of God's wonderful creation this Autumn. The Devon lane in early Autumn

Bible stories

On Squidoo I have written several Bible stories. If you want to get a quick idea of one of these interesting Bible people take a look at my lens. I give a link below. If you click on my photo you can then navigate to my other lenses. This one is about Rahab, there are others about Esther, Naaman, Ruth and Mary Magdalene. Feel free to use these Bible stories wherever you can. Interesting Bible People Rahab

I'm back

It's certainly time I posted here again. So what have I been doing? Well I've completed more than 50 lenses on Squidoo and become a Giant Squid. After that I went on holiday. Also I had a disagreement with my Faith and worship tutor because he gave me a low mark. Our problem is that he is a first time tutor so neither of us really knew if he was marking correctly or not. However an experienced tutor took a look at my work and backed up the tutor, so I had to humble myself and re-do it. My problem is more essay technique than lack of knowledge. the original mark was 42 now it is 54. I am quite content with that and hoping for better things in future as I pick up the essay technique of answering what the question asks. I have taken an all-age service since my last post and enjoyed it very much and it has been a great help with Faith and worship as this was the topic of the unit 8 assignment.I am now beginning to prepare for a Remembrance Day service, first of all askin...