The blood pressure monitor on Wednesday night went off at half hour intervals. However it did not beep as it had in the day time. That had been to alert me to relax my arm. Of course at night one should be relaxed anyway. I would have slept even better but I as curious to see what my blood pressure was like in the early morning. The beep started up again at 7.15 a.m. but I didn't let it stop me enjoying a lie-in. I was not due at the hospital until 11a.m. The monitor was taken off me and I was told it would be sent to the consultant and I would hear at some point what he or she thought about it. By the time I reached home, despite all my talk of trusting in God I was beginning to get in a slight tizzy wonder if anything major was wrong. This is how we humans react and it is silly to think I can escape those thoughts. So if you trust in God don't be surprised if you have worrying thoughts too, and don't feel guilty about it either.