You have to read between the lines to gain any insight into Donald Trump. You cannot trust the media. I am not a huge fan of his, but do not think he is the ogre he is painted to be. The BBC throughout today has continually shown protest marches against Trump but no doubt there are many who have marched in triumph because he has gained the White House. I wonder if the BBC ever was the impartial organisation it claimed to be. Certainly it is not impartial now. Americans on both sides of the question should know not to “put their trust in princes.” We all need to know that there is only salvation in Jesus Christ. The successes and failures of this life are fleeting and we need to address what will happen to us in the next life when we have to stand before God and give account of how we have lived our lives. This applies equally to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. When the last trump sounds will you be clothed in the righteousness of Christ and ready t...