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Showing posts from January, 2015

Is it necessary for a christian to oppose evolution?

Some christians think they can just shelve to question of evolution because they think," preaching the gospel is more important." They fail to realise that the creation account is a vital part of the gospel.  It tells us of a holy, righteous and good God who made all things.  It tells us of Adam and Eve created perfect but who rebelled against God, passing sin onto the rest of us.  It tells of God's promise to send a Saviour from Eve's seed who would crush the serpents head and redeem His people. Without the creation account telling us of our indebtedness to God as our creator and our need for the salvation He promises, we cannot understand the gospel as it later unfolds. We cannot ditch the creation account in favour of evolution.  Without the creation account nothing else makes sense in the gospel.  Your choice is simple, either be a Bible believing Christian (for there is no other sort) or ditch it in favour of evolution and be an atheist.

Theory of Evolution and atheism or Almighty God

If you were to persuade me that the theory of evolution was the explanation for life on earth I would necessarily become an atheist.  Vast numbers of Christians have capitulated to evolution thinking they can have their cake and eat it, thinking they can believe that God made all things by evolution.  This is not tenable.  Evolution is all about the survival of the fittest.  This would mean that God allowed death into a situation where sin had not happened.  This would be unjust. Death came initially because of Adam and Eve's rebellion against God.   Dear Christian if you are trying to hold onto evolution and on to God surely you know what you should do.  If you muddle the two together it is because you have lost sight of how great God is.  He is almighty.  He is not limited by time.  He has no trouble at all in creating the Earth in six days.  If you think that is not possible you need to re-think your faith. What sort of God woul...