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Showing posts from April, 2014

A Poem for Good Friday

Upon a Roman cross There hangs a righteous man And yet more wonderful to know He is the King of kings And Lord of lords. Why is He there? What has He done? This One hangs here For you and me, If we His children be. Only for sinners He has died. If you will trust, come to His side You will be welcomed By this One who has died. By dying here He has gained our salvation. This act has fully satisfied the Father And to show this He raised Him up Three days later. Ponder these things At them wonder. Jesus has provided this powerful rescue And all who come May receive.

A poem I used in a sermon about the valley of dry bones.

A valley wide and spacious, Filled with bones so dry Bones with no life in them, Lying beneath the searing sky. No hope, no joy is in them They lie there deaf and dumb. But God says to the prophet Prophesy to the wind to come. Ezekiel calls to the Spirit And behold a wind sweeps through. A rattling of bones answering Amazes that wise Jew. Bone to bone attaches And sinews wrap around A mighty army stands there On that astonished ground. And so the mighty God Brings life and strength about. We too can know His quickening Of that there is no doubt. So embrace with joy The Spirit’s quickening power. Rise up a mighty army Fit for the coming hour.

Springtime Sonnet

Once more to us has joyous Spring returned With beauteous blossom on each bough of tree. The light is here for which we all have yearned. Now is the time to watch the honey bee. And now we wend our way to church once more, To hear again of heaven brought to earth. Of Jesus who has opened wide the door, Banished sin's woe and given us heavenly mirth, In dying there upon that rugged cross. He conquered sin and gave us righteousness And all who come may take gain from His loss. And find a life which Christ will surely bless. The path is long and filled with many pains, But leads to heaven's gate and lasting gain

One of My Poems to Encourage the Downhearted.

Jesus , my Lord, before me stands and cries, “Come unto me and I will give you rest.” And for my peace upon a cross He dies. I come and lay me down upon His breast. “Come unto me,” He calls to you today. He sees your weariness and broken heart. His is the very best and joyful way. Once joined to Him you never more will part; In happy union walk the narrow way; Your master leading on the verdant field. He’ll guide you , never let you go astray Your wondrous fate with Him is truly sealed; Joined thus with Him such treasure you will win; No longer touched by evilness or sin.