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Showing posts from May, 2009

Lovely Day

I spent today with my daughter. We went to Killerton to see the garden and take photos. I need lots of photos for my Squidoo lenses. We had a lovely time. I've had quite a tiring week, not sure when it will let up. Squidoo going really well. If you like creating things try it. This lens might help you especially if you are technically challenged as I am.

Occasional Singers

We have a ladies choir, sometimes augmented by men. It sings all over the circuit. I belong. It sings all sorts including special words for farewell songs when a minister is leaving. We have lots of talent in our circuit. I'm taking my 10th service on Sunday. I'll tell you how it goes. It's a big topic this week. The coming of the Holy Spirit. today I've been working on my squidoo lenses. i love doing that. I have 9 lenses now. I started at the end of March. I've just joined senior squids which is for the over 50's in age.

Car problems

I set off for short mat bowls but my car was making a funny noise. Couldn't get hold of the garage so will see to it tomorrow. so an evening in with the P.C. Is my life being taken over by the internet.Is it a government plot to keep us all in our homes out of the way? With this title I had better tell you abut the preaching. I am training to be a local preacher with the Methodist church in the U.K. On Sunday I shall take my 10th service. I knew I would like it but I didn't realise just how much I would enjoy it. It takes a lot of hours work to put a good service together and I don't fancy doing bad ones. I don't want to bore people. I want to inspire them and help them get nearer to God and do the same for myself. If you want to see some of the kinds of thing I do take a look at the following. and I want to get Bible stories on the web because so few people know them any more and they can te...

Hi to all

So here I am on Blogger. I,m hooked on the internet, so much so that I've just burnt the carrots and potatoes. I am a retired violin and piano teacher. I am training to be a local preacher with the Methodist church in the U.K. I like writing poetry and you can find some on . I think it's time people heard about how great God is. I assure you He's real, I know Him personally.I live in a lovely flat with super views of the Devon hills. I live alone, except that God is with me. So I'm not lonely at all. Hope to get to know a few people here soon.